"Are you still upset, Ver?" Leo asked.
It had been three days since we last spoke and he knew I was still angry with him for what he said to Xav."Yes, I'm upset, Leo! Of course I am!" I said as I put my laptop down on the bed and paused my work so that I could have this conversation with him. "Everything you said..... It was totally uncalled for. Xavier has been nothing but nice to you since the moment we've come here. Why would you say all of those things about him wanting me and him to be a thing again?"
"Because that's all I've heard about since the second we've come here, V. Literally everyone here is still hung up over the two of you. They still think Xavier and Ver have a chance."
"That's because they haven't seen me with anyone else. Like ever. That's all. All of them love you!"
"And you?"
"What?" I asked, shocked.
"You know very well what I mean, Ver," he said dejectedly.
"Leo," I said as I leaned forward and placed my hand on his. "Please, you have to understand-"
"Anyway, let's forget all of that," he said as he cut me off and stood up hurriedly. "The wedding is right on top of our heads and you and I have to go over the guest list once again."
"Leo, babe, I really think we should talk about this-"
"Just give me a second," he said as his phone rang the same second. "It's mum. I'll talk to her and be right back."
With a sigh in the direction of his retreating form, I prayed for everything to sort itself out.
Just then, I got a text myself:
Unknown number : Can you meet me?Why was he texting me now?
Why? I texted him back.
Unknown number : I have information, Ver. Information you might be very interested in.
Me: Do you mean....?
Unknown number : Yes I do. So come meet me at 2 in the night at Walter's Park. Make sure you're alone.
Me: Trust me. I'd be the last person who would get anyone to meet you.
I lay back on the bed and sighed to myself. I never get a break, do I?
I tiptoed outside of my room and walked down the stairs. "Please God, let no one hear me," I silently prayed. Running into someone would mean telling them where I was going. And telling them where I was going would cause another set of problems."Going somewhere?"
I heard a voice right when my hand was on the main door knob of Jerko's house.Startled, I clutched my hand to my chest.
"You scared me!""Well, if you weren't so busy sneaking out at 2am you wouldn't have gotten scared," Xavier said as a matter of fact. He was sitting on the sofa with a book and pen in his hand. An empty coffee cup lay on the table and he looked two seconds away from passing out.
"What are you doing up at this hour?" I said as I tried my best to avoid eye contact with him. I had to stay away from him. Especially after what happened at the dress fitting.
"Nothing much," he said with a shrug. "Just working on a new song."
The awkward silence that followed was too much for me to handle. I was late as is and the only thing talking to him was doing was make me more flustered.

Romance18 year old Veronica Silverstone has finally reached the point where she has decided to take matters of her love life into her own hands. After countless uncomfortable and embarrassing dates set by her 2 best friends and after her most recent date...