#8 {How's Class?}

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Y/n walked into the building where kenma was in, still in class.

As she strolled through the halls, she suddenly heard someone calling her.

"Oi. turn around, you look familiar." She heard from behind her which made her tensed from the surprise of someone knowing her. It couldn't be kenma since he's still in class and it certainly doesn't sound like kenma.

"I promise I'm n-not skipping classes" she flinched. As she turned around, her expression went back to normal seeing Sakusa with a confused look.

"yo Omi." y/n gave a peace sign and a lazy face, clearly embarrassed about what she had just blurted out earlier.

"haven't seen you since last year. How's volleyball?"

"oh, it's just you."

"the heck Omi. You ain't even gonna give me a good-to-see-you-again hug?"
she grinned which earned a scoff from Sakusa.

"Anywho, what are you doing here?" Sakusa asked.

"Waiting for Kenma." y/n leaned onto the wall.

"So you're not here to beg me to do your homework? That's a relief.." y/n playfully hit Sakusa's arm after his statement.

"That was like last year and I did it only once" She pouted.

"Alright, I'm going to meet with Hinata and the others. I'll see you around y/n." Sakusa walked passed her, y/n not having the chance to even reply.

She hears a couple students finally coming out the auditorium with kenma last to leave.

"oh, sup kenma. How's class?"

"boring. what are you even doing here. I said we'd meet up outside."

"Kinda got curious on what it looks like here." she scratched her head with a weak chuckle.

"yeah sure.." kenma sighed.

"anyway, why are we going in this direction? Isn't the exit that way?" she pointed to the opposite direction.

"Students there will for sure recognise me." He looked back at the opposite hallway.

"sucks to be you then." y/n lets out a proud laugh.

"should've never moved in with you" he sassily looked away and chuckled.

"whatever... also, I saw Sakusa earlier."

"ok. I don't care." y/n gave kenma a disappointed look as kenma smirked.

"Bitch I–"

"What flavour of boba you want to have?" kenma got his phone out and opening a game to play while they walk to the boba stand.

"your treat?" y/n puts on an excited look when she turned to him.

"... no."


"yeah, now stop shouting. you're gonna attract everyone's attention."

"oh.. my bad. I'll have Honeydew."

"Ew, you're too basic."

"shut up man, I know you're gonna be picking Lychee flavour."

"Well yeah, no shit. I told you that when you brought home bubble tea last time." both of them continued to walk out the building, still on the topic of flavours.

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