#29 {Fluff} <p2>

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It's been a week having to follow the same routine: Both Kenma and y/n barely interacting with one another. This left Kuroo confused.

"What the hell is up with this weird atmosphere.." Kuroo let out a sigh, sitting in between Kenma and y/n on the couch.

Both Kenma and Kuroo hadn't been talking much, so he decided to pay a surprise visit to them. Who would've thought that this is how the day ended up in.

"Is it just me, or are they less talkative than before..?" He looked back and forth between the two.

Before this, y/n was just about to head to the kitchen when Kuroo had invited them to sit with Kenma and him. Of course,  y/n had no reasons to refuse. Just then, when he had realized what situation he'd just make.

"You two.." Kuroo spoke with an irritated tone. Kenma paused the game from his device to look up at the initiator, same goes for y/n who had just been biting down the straw from their drink.

"WHAT IS UP WITH THE BOTH OF YOU?!" He stood up, facing the two with a sour look. Kenma and y/n briefly stared at each other before looking away and vaguely sulking their shoulders, releasing a sigh that can be perceived as exhaustion.

Not one uttered a word after the question. This infuriated Kuroo even more.

"Man.." He sighed. "If you guys are fightin', at least don't let it show when a guest is over. IT'S TOTALLY RUININ' THE MOOD!" Kuroo crossed his arms with gritted teeth as his foot continue to tap on the floor.

"We're not fighting." Kenma finally spoke.

Y/n seemed like they wanted to say something but stopped, and bit down the insides of their cheek.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Kuroo looked over at y/n for confirmation. Y/n simply gave him a cheeky smile before humming in agreement with Kenma.

The air still felt heavy despite the clearance. Kuroo eyed the two, searching for any discomfort in their expressions.

"Would you also like bubble tea, Kenma?" Y/n turned to the boy beside them, catching him by surprise before nodding his head. They quickly flashed them a small smile and left to the kitchen.

Kuroo sat back down and looked at Kenma once again. "Are you sure?" He lastly asked. "Of course. There's no reason for us to fight." He lifted his head to meet his eyes, as a sincere way of talking his words out to him.

"If you say so.." Defeated, Kuroo stopped his inspection. "But," He added. "If you do find yourself in a misunderstanding with one another—I know it's not like you to confront the situation directly, as you wait for it to pass, but it's still better to talk it out than leaving it unclear, alright?" He spoke to Kenma, quickly catching glance of the time.

"OH SHIT, THE MEETING" Kuroo shouted, grabbing his bag and heading to the door. He halted before going out, I'll be going now Kenma, Y/N!" He raised, letting the other person in the kitchen know. The door clasped close, as Kenma hears Kuroo's running footsteps outside. He scoffed in response, "What an actual idiot."


Y/n hesitantly came back from the kitchen, facing Kenma's back to hand him the drink. They slowly walked towards the couch passing him the drink and sitting back down.

The two stood silent, drinking their beverages.

Even though they talked from time to time, it still wasn't the same. Y/n had already taken a break online, as well as Kenma.

After a bit of thinking, y/n spoke, releasing the straw from their mouth, "I'm sorry."

Kenma looked at y/n who still seemed down.

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