#19 {Aiko}

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A puffy, silver blue haired female and a tall, blonde setter walked hand in hand down the streets of Tokyo. Rain was about to pour any second so they had to stop by at the coffee shop where the roof on one of the tables outside was big enough to cover them from the rain. They haven't uttered a word as they just observe the people running to seek shelter and riding off with their skateboards and bikes.

"You said you have practice at three, right?" She leaned in and looked at her boyfriend who seemed to have a slight cold.

"I'm still waiting for Shoyo to reply." was his response.

A bit of thunder growled, making the two flinch. Small whistles of the wind passing them gave the female a sudden anxious feeling.

"Are you cold, Aiko?" Atsumu's soft voice made her at ease.

"You can borrow my jacket." He suggested. She of course declined his offer, having to worry about him not making it to practice because of his cold.

"I'm fine. Has Shoyo texted you back?"    Shrugging was his immediate response. A small sigh escaped from her nose while they wait for the rain to come by.

"You're awfully gloomy today. Has something happened?" Atsumu looked back at her as he then pushed his chair next to hers without letting go of her hand.

Aiko spared him a glance before looking back up to the grayish clouds, waiting to see the blue sky. "promise you won't laugh..?" Not even a second passing, Atsumu had already chuckled which made Aiko look back at him in disbelief.

"Sorry, you just looked too mature with that expression." He halted his laughter after she took her hand back and stuffed it into her pockets.

"C'mon, I said sorry.. stop bein' too adorable and tell me what happened." He rested his chin on her shoulder, waiting for her to look back at him.

"Fucking shithead. You better thank the Gods that I love you or you would've been out there on the rain by now." Her hand found it's way back to his as Atsumu plopped a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"yeah, yeah, I'll go pray later." She silently giggled to him.

"You know what, you can laugh. I just forgot to turn in my assignments the other day, that's why I'm not in the usual mood." Atsumu just raised a brow and followed by a sigh.

The sky was finally clearing up. Birds are chirping again. The area they were in never looked much brighter in the foul weather.

"Am sure you'll be fine." He plopped a kiss on the back of her hand.

A peaceful silence surrounded them while Aiko just watched the people walking around; this street was getting busy again.

She hardly heard the notification on Atsumu's phone though she clearly heard his snort.

"What is it?" Her head went to check the notification on his phone.

"Guess Shoyo and the others skipped on practice." He showed a selfie of Hinata, Bokuto, Kuroo, as well as others who she doesn't quite recognise.

"That's very much unlike them" Her lips curved into an airy smile, scrolling through each photo Hinata sent.

She stopped on a specific photo, "Hey, I kinda know this boy." Aiko gave his phone back to show a picture of Kenma in a dinosaur onesie that looked like he was forced to wear.

"Kuroo said he was in your class, do you remember him? " Aiko shrugged.

Atsumu breathed in the afternoon air as he escorted her up. They began walking into an unfamiliar direction.

"So you're not attending practice?" she lightly chuckled.

He shook his head, "We're visiting y/n's place."


Aiko's profile--

some shit doodle I made:

some shit doodle I made:

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She has silver blue hair and gray eyes

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She has silver blue hair and gray eyes.

Accessories: small black earrings and round glasses.

Sexuality: Bisexual

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