#14 {Sakusa and Kenma}

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"I am very sorry for my ex schoolmate.."

"Nah, I feel bad you knew her since high school.."


It was very much a pleasant afternoon when Sakusa had unfortunately bumped with y/n again, along with a blonde boy who he assumed was kenma from the last time he had talked with y/n.

"do you have anymore to say?" kenma who was anxiously checking the time and make sure he wouldn't be late for his next class asked his very-totally-not-hyper duo.

"already?? aww... is omi in the same class as you?"

"pretty sure I've seen this kenma in most of my classes so I'm assuming he'll be in the same class again this time." Sakusa darted his eyes over the students rushing to get to their next class whilst speaking.

"pfft- 'this kenma'"

"y/n, we really have to get going now.. don't you have another class to be in?" kenma slumped his shoulders, clearly wanting to get this conversation over with.

"i don't. Prof gave us a pass to spend the free time making the presentation in the library."

"Alright, then me and Sakusa san will be heading to class..?"

"Yeah.. I'll catch you two later then, see ya!" y/n went to the opposite direction and went in the library.

Finally sitting down, she had gotten her laptop out to start working on the task given.


"Has she always been like that, Sakusa san?" Kenma glances over to the taller male next to him.

"We weren't in the same classroom in high school but whenever she does visit my class, her and komori would always say the most random things. She may be influenced by komori to be honest."

"I see.. has she had any past relationships with someone?" Sakusa glances back to Kenma after hearing such question.

"Well there was this guy named Haru from her class but I don't believe they had any deeper relationship with each other than just being friends."

"Is there a reason for that question, Kozume san?"


"Do you perhaps like y/n?"

"If you mean like a friend type or sibling type way then sure.." Kenma had glanced back infront to lessen the awkwardness.

"If you say so."

Sakusa and Kenma had stayed silent for a bit, thinking about other conversations to have while they walk.

"Have you had any feelings for y/n?" Sakusa perked up from the sudden question, looking like he's about to vomit.

"That question feels so offensive, I will cancel you if you ask another question about my feelings with her." Kenma chuckled a bit when Sakusa had rolled his eyes.

"This is not really a conversation I'd normally have but to answer your question, I did have a little crush on her at some point in high school." He continued.

"Yeah? why didn't the two of you get together?" Sakusa cringed at the question.

"It was a major turn off when she had the lowest grade of the easiest test." both of them laughed.

"But.. another reason is she might get hurt if I started dating her."

"Why is that?" Kenma suspiciously eyed Sakusa.

"I don't really have any time so I can't always be there when she needs me." Sakusa pulled his mask up to hide the bit of blush.

Kenma just gave an audibly 'oh' and started thinking again.

"You know if you like her romantically, you just have to say it than asking me my relation with her." Now kenma was the one who blushed.

"Was she the first person you've had a crush on?" Kenma asked to avoid what Sakusa had previously said.

"She was, yeah."

"That must've been a pain."

"It was." both of them chuckled as they entered the room.

"do you want to sit together?" Sakusa was the one to ask. Kenma had quickly nodded.

"No one will steal her from you, Kozume san. You don't have to worry." Kenma's eyes widened from Sakusa's statement.

"Y-you got it the wrong way. I was just curious about how she was in high school." Sakusa just hummed. Both reaching their seats, they then continued the conversion with a different topic.

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