#25 {Betrayal}

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A long sip of his coffee followed by a playful smirk was a definite highlight of the day at the local beverage shop.

"It's been over two years, y/n. How's my little pest been?" Dark red strands of hair overlapped the male's misty black eyes, still seeming to be full of pureness.

"Well, nice for you to visit me, Chisuke. I'm doing ok." y/n answered enthusiastically.

The said boy named Chisuke looked around the shop only to see eyes of people on him. They weren't actually to blame, he didn't look like the average Japanese person, more like a foreigner that grew up in Japan was what he was.

"I forgot you hated crowded places.. you wanna leave to somewhere else?" y/n's concerned tone made Chisuke reassure her that he was fine. It was moments like this where she wished he would just stop getting nervous from the gazes of other people but it doesn't look like that'll happen anytime soon.

"Were you studying when I asked you to meet up?" Chisuke leaned back on his chair which was more difficult than he'd expected considering his terrifyingly questionable height.

"Nope, was sleeping though."

"Of course you were.." He retracted his eyes with a soft sigh of disbelief.

The two did a bit of catching up before leaving the shop to go walk around. For once, the sun was up, reflecting metal or glass builds they passed by. Fortunately, they found a bench towered over by an old tree that was shaded perfectly for the both of them.

Quickly after sitting down, a high pitched voice had disrupted them, "Excuse me, are you two together?" A petite brunette spoke with a phone on her hand. This was definitely nothing new to both y/n and him.

"Ah.. no we're not." Chisuke's eye twitched but still manages to give a weak smile to the girl.

"Then, is it ok to get your number?" She confidently asked as her friends observe her from behind, cheering quietly.

There was a small hesitation but Chisuke still answered in a firm tone, "No."

It took a moment for the girl to take in his response as awkward silence engulfed the three of them. "T-Then, sorry for interrupting! I'll be on my way.." She put her phone in the back pocket of her pants and walked off, feeling embarrassed. She wasn't expecting such a quick rejection.

"There goes your chance of getting a girlfriend." y/n watched the petite girl as her friends gave the redhead a foul glare.

"Never needed one in the first place" He shrugged and continued to stare off onto the distance.

"By the way," The male started.

"Do you live with someone?"

"I do. Why?" y/n scratched her cheek as well as glancing over the park from afar.

"Really? Bummer, guess I got to look for another place to stay in." He breathe out of his nose as his hand found the back of his head, scratching in annoyance.

"Wait, you're moving here??"

"Yeah. Dad wants me to watch over his company that just got established around here."

"Sucks to be you" she sarcastically responded and nudged his shoulder to which he didn't appreciate at all.

Groups of college students appeared from the other side of where they were and it looked like y/n was expecting to see someone from them.

"Oh, before I forget, mind telling me who you live with?" Chisuke averted his eyes as y/n nervously gulped, for the sole reason of not wanting him to know that he lives with a boy.

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