#13 {Let's Play!}

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Kenma's POV

'Ah, there she goes again with her daily rambling.. '

"Hub, PLEASE! Just one game and I promise I won't be clingy anymore!"


"won't be clingy anymore... atleast today!"

"You're only using me so you can have those upgrades, seriously. I won't be always online to carry you in that game, y/n." I continued to walk over to place my laptop on her bed whilst I sit infront of her.

"I'll go solo after we finish this rank then you're free to edit your video." She opened the game as the theme music started to play. I had to yawn for the umpteenth time this day since I haven't had enough sleep from streaming yesterday.

"Have you sent the invite yet?"

"Oh, wait... alright I have." I clicked on the invite link which sent my character to the lobby of the game with y/n's character beside me.


"I streamed this game yesterday, didn't you watch?"

"oh.. sorry, I was busy editing my video." She giggled before clicking on the starting button.

"That's fine. I was thinking of inviting you yesterday to play this but you said you were busy." Our characters separated after the game began. Doing the usual farming before getting kills.

"Speaking of inviting, my viewers kept asking when's our next collab gonna be."

"I'm free next Friday night, we can announce a collaboration right now." My mouse slipped as I was fighting the opponent but won anyway at the end.

"I'll tweet it out later." both our characters were in sync as to killing and stealing from the opponent.

I haven't really thought about it much but y/n has made my 2nd year of college more fun, I guess. 1st year was a disaster, I didn't have anyone to walk with on the campus and my grades really weren't improving on my last school.

I gotta admit, I got lucky to hang around with her, atleast til the end of 2nd year when I start to decide if I should stay in my current college or transfer again.

"Oi! the NPC is right there, let's go!" She took the pillow behind her and put it on her lap.

Yeah, she's annoying as fuck but I can't deny how entertaining she is and unpredictable at times. Unlike Kuroo, She'd shout or scream at me from pure joy or horror, depending on the situation, no in between. That might sound like something horrible but I've grown used to it.

Who knew an energy deprived person would want to stick around to someone crazy.

"alright, good job."

One by one, every opponent got their last kills and deaths on the hands of me and y/n's characters.

"Did we win- WE WON BABYYY! WOOOOOOO~!" She cheered, causing a quake on her bed.

"Hey Kenma!"

"Yo?" The both of us made eye contact. There she was, smiling at this little achievement we've got. I really don't get why she's always too happy about a game.

"I appreciate everytime you play with me. I hope we can play like this again if you decide to transfer again next year, hub." She had a genuine smile on, then looking down with a blush to close her laptop.

"Let's play again next Friday, aye?" Her feet kicked to the side of her bed as she then stood up and walked out her bedroom.

I swear, this girl will always make me change my mind
Especially when she mentioned me transferring, now.. I don't know anymore if I want to.

And that's fine.
I'm fine with still being her player 2.

"Oi, Wait up!" I ran out her room and continued on with our days.

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