Extra {A Not So Lame Valentines}

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(y/n's perspective)

It was already late afternoon when I realised that today was valentines day-, not like I ever do anything special for this day anyway.

Since I did leave Kenma alone back at the apartment, I might as well buy him something he likes. Apple pie from the usual pastry shop we always go to should be fine, yeah.

I packed my stuff and left the coffee shop. Today's shops are really full and I don't think I can last another second being alone in a room full of couples.

Every corner of this street is nicely decorated with plastered red cupid silhouettes and big hearts with the cringiest quotes. This day is a fucking eyesore.

Seriously, why did they have to make the fourteenth of February a love day, maybe if someone actually asked me then I may understand why people like valentines. Now I'm just being petty.. how stupid.

My steps halted when I saw someone familiar by the bus shed. It was Kuroo talking to a girl I don't recognise. I don't think I'll bother saying hello, just gonna wish him luck on this little date of his through spiritual and emotional means if that's even a thing.

Now that I think of it, when was the last time I was ever romantically involved with someone? I don't want to think of Kenma but I will admit that I can definitely see him being my- someone's boyfriend.

It's also really confusing if I only like him platonically or romantically.

My thoughts abruptly stopped for a bit when I passed the game store. I decided to look for something Kenma would want to play before I continue on my way.

It took a little longer than expected but eventually I found a game fit for what he usually plays. The cashier seems to be happy to see me again for the umpteenth time this week and I gave him the same bright expression.

"Let me guess, for your boyfriend?" He chuckled.

I immediately shook my head and bitterly looked at him. He looked like he was having fun teasing me as his laugh gradually got louder.

After he finally put the game in the bag, I quickly headed for the door to avoid any more teasing remarks from this man. To my surprise, he said something that actually made my heart beat in a much rapid pace.

"I think you can also tell with how he acts whenever you're around." I lastly heard him when the door then closed. I don't want to think any more about his words but somehow, I'm now left with more thoughts. That cashier is so nosy holy shit.

I actually just realised now that I'm only thinking of how I feel about Kenma just because people keep pointing out how closer we are with one another than others and it's really fucking with my head..


I made my way to the pastry shop only to be greeted with a large stuffed crowd.

As I looked around, I realised this was an event. At one corner, there were couples dancing together and at another area, someone was making portraits of people.

What's worse is the shop is at the very corner of this enclosed space. I could get lost finding my way back if I can't see atleast the fountain or street lamps.

I sighed and braced myself to go in this crowd.

"You're also going to the pastry shop?"

I looked to my side though before I could even process who it was, they immediately intertwined their hand with mine and walked through the crowd.

This was an experience..

"I thought you were gonna do something back at the apartment?" I gasped as Kenma scoffed and looked back at me, "I got hungry."

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