#4 {Recording Problems}

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"3, 2, 1, and- Hello viewers~ (username) here! I'm with Kodzuken and w-we'll b-be–"

"You stuttered, Let's restart."


"Top of the morni–... wait no, that's not my usual intro..."





"Great morning–!"

"y/n, it's just 10 o'clock in the evening..."


"Good day! (username) here along with with m-my-... mMMmmMyYysguehdjdbkwbd–"

"God... how long does it take you to record a proper intro? We've been doing this like 15 times already." kenma sighed with you rolling on the floor, frustrated.


"Just say something you'd usually say infront of the camera and pretend I'm not here." Kenma looked at you throwing a tantrum on the floor.

"oh? What do you say before starting your videos?" you got up from the floor, fixing your messy hair.

"just the normal 'hello' and I start playing my games." he grinned making you sulk.

"Well, I'd usually say 'hey hoes' but I don't think that's applicable for this video since you'll be in it." you pouted.

"I don't really care so you can say whatever shiz you wanted to say. I just want to start the game already." He straight-lipped smiled at you.

"Fine.. But if ya find it cringy then that ain't my fault brothah." You set the camera again, pressing record while you got back to your place with the 5 second timer ticking.

"ehem- Hey Hoes! It's your favourite narcissistic bitch, (username)! So for this video, I invited your beloved Kodzuken to record with me at 10:30 in the evening!" you  started the game, inviting kenma onto the lobby.

"I will be putting his channel link and socials in the description so please go check his channel too and... yeah!" you continued

"You finally started the video properly after so many attempts." kenma teased you, making sure to cut that out when you edit it.

"oh hush.." you rolled your eyes, waiting for more players to join.

"also, quick reminder that I won't be posting much starting next week since it's the start of our classes sooo... I'll make sure to update as much as possible!" you let your subscribers know to avoid getting spammed in the dms.

the game started and luckily, your team mates were doing great.

"Alright. hub, I'll go south so you can follow me if you want." kenma spoke making you hum and nod in response.

the whole recording was fun. You thought it would be awkward since kenma doesn't talk too much leaving you to do all the talking but thank the heavens, he was cooperating.

"Thanks for joining me today, kenma."

"Anytime, hub."



The fuck is this side chapter eye–

also, notice the word they call each other?

yes, the ripoff version of bub and made it to hub
idk, someone just randomly messaged me saying "hey hub, cAn yOu pLeAse lIkE mY rEceNt pOsT? 👉👈" and so I got the idea from that.

I really don't understand where this book is going :'D

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