#3 {Traffic}

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"Kyanmaaaa!!" y/n called kenma who was sitting by the bench whilst waiting for y/n to finish buying stuff.

"I didn't know what kind of backpack you wanted so I just chose a plain black one." y/n handed kenma his new bag for school.

"this is fine." they head back to y/n's car.

"anything else you need, kyanma?" she started the car, kenma sat on the passenger's seat.

"don't call me kyanma." he deadpanned and you grinned.

"I don't have anything else to buy. you?" he added.

"Well, I can just drop you off the apartment then I'll head on to the game stor–"

"I'll go with you." he buckled. y/n chuckled and started driving.

the drive was silent, only y/n humming to her music that was playing in the car.

"you enjoy lofi music?" kenma spoke.

"pretty much."

it was very crowded in the city with children running all over the side and the road full of cars.

It was only normal to have traffic even though they went early to avoid it.

"well, fuck." y/n scrunched her nose.

"I haven't been on this side of Tokyo, how long do you usually get out of traffic?" kenma put his face in front of the aircon of the car and turned to you.

you found his childish behaviour cute and you lightly laughed.

"about 30 minutes or so." you looked back infront.

"that's too long." he got his phone out.

"the signal is crap nor is there free wifi here." he sighed and put his phone back.

the car infront of you started moving and stopped making kenma sigh again.

"you know you gotta get used to this." you turned to him and lowered the volume of your music.

"I wanna drop off of college." he looked at you, head still infront of the aircon.

"our 2nd year of college hasn't even started yet and you just got here." you rolled your eyes.

"I can make a future without graduating." he pouted.

you poked his cheek and laughed at his childishness.

"No one's stopping you, you're already world famous anyway so it'd be easy for you." you smiled.

"who says life was easy? you're the one having an easy life, y/n." he smiled back and poked your cheek in return.

"what'd you do that for?" you giggled.

"stop poking my cheek whenever I talk to you." you drived forward before speaking again.

"Sorry. It's just too cute when you act like a child I can't help it." you gave him a peace sign.

he blushed when you said he was cute which didn't get unnoticed by you so you leaned back.

"what school did you go to in high school?" you started.

"Nekoma." you curiously looked at him, looking back at you.

"You played volleyball, right?"

"yeah. how'd you know?" he blinked.

"well, I went to Itachiyama so we'd mostly watch the volleyball team play." he nodded

"I might have seen someone that looked like you on Nekoma so that's how I know." you shrugged, moving the car forward.

"What club did you join back then?" he continued the conversation.

"art club." you smiled thinking back to when you were still in high school.

"so you draw? paint? sculp?" he asked.

you laughed. "to be honest, I only joined so I wouldn't have to go home early and deal with my family. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm passionate when making art but not as passionate as I am when I make contents on youtube."

he nodded again, still curious about you when you were in high school.

"do you know Sakusa?" he asked again.

"Of course I do. Why'd you ask?"

"I figured since you went to Itachiyama."

"He was the said 'heartthrob' of our school, everyone knew him. He had alot of fans." you yawned.

It was silent again so you had to turn the volume up in order to not get awkward while kenma just looked out the window.

luckily, this traffic was moving fast and you two would get to the store immediately.


"kyanma! let's take a picture together!!" you beamed when the two of you got out the store.

"how did you get so energised when you kept yawning back in the car..?" he went to you.

"why do you need to take a picture anyway?" he asked.

"oh come on! I already wasted all the fun I was supposed to have in high school but not in college, I'll take alot of photos for memory. Plus, I feel like I'm gonna mostly be with you anyway so it's only right to have a picture with you, my dear roommate." kenma rolled his eyes at your explanation but went and took a picture with you anyway.

"Ahh! You smiled! I'm definitely posting this!"

"Do what you want. Can we go home now? I'm getting hungry." he looked irritated so you finished posting the picture and lead him back to where you parked.

"Where do you want to take out?" you asked, turning the car backwards.

"I'm fine with anywhere, you can pick."

"alright, I'm already low on gas so let's just go to McDonald's drive thru since it's closer to the apartment."

"sounds good."


The two of you got your orders and drove back to your apartment.

"Hey." kenma called out while he was on his phone.

"What's up?" you asked, eyes still on the road.


"anything wrong?"

"You do realize that people are already thinking we're in a relationship in the comments of your post." he spoke.

"well, we are in a friend type relationship." you said and he slightly chuckled.

"idiot, I didn't meant that relationship."

"haha~ yeah, I know. Just let them be, they don't needta know every detail that's happening in my life." you sighed.

"you're ok with this?" he calmly asked.

"I've always been shipped with people I'm mostly with when I post a pic of us together, whether it'd be a boy or a girl so that's nothing new."

"are you ok with it? You can tell them that we're just friends if you're not." you added.

"I don't really give a fuck." he liked your post and muted his phone from all the tags he's been getting to confirm their relationship.

you laughed and kicked the side of his foot with your own.

"let's play a 1v1 match when we get home."

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