#30 {Slipped}

531 18 13












"my princess"

"my precious little cotton swab"

Kenma called out from outside your room, seeming to cling onto you more today. You sighed, averting your eyes from your laptop and onto the door that Kenma stood behind. Ever since the small problem you two faced, he started becoming more and more attentive to you. Not that it bothered you much, you were aware that he was playful, and that brought up the defensive walls of your feelings for him. As much as you wanted to play along like before, you were afraid you'd gone insane and expect some romantic story with your roommate. 

You remained composed, shutting your laptop off and setting it down onto the bed.

"Yes? What is it?" You responded as you walk towards the door.

Kenma heard your response, assuming it was the signal for him to come in. He reached for the door handle to twist and open the door, carrying a game that he recently bought. 

The door opened, quickly catching both of you off guard. You opened the door at the same time as him, making the both of you look at each other so closely. Your cheeks flushed, backing away from the entrance to let him in. Kenma looked at you and smiled, feeling as if he hadn't seen you in forever despite just eating lunch together earlier.

"Hey" He walked in, closing the door from behind. You swore your heart was about to jump out of place. Of course, you liked seeing him, your feelings had just been tugging on you, making it hard not to get all tingly and warm when you're with him. Realistically, you've never been in a relationship, but seeing other couples quarrel and break up scared you shitless that it made you wary of your feelings for him.

"You good?" He spoke up after setting down the game he brought on your desk. You responded with a small hum, still a bit of a mess of how close he just was to your face earlier. You shook your head lightly and turned to him, taking a peek of what he had set down.

"What's that?" You approached with curiosity. He gave you a bright expression before starting to talk about the game he had bought.

"Oh! it's the newest version of (fav game). I just thought you want to play it right away." He laughed sheepishly, bringing a hand to rub his nape. You could see the nervousness in his expression, and this made you chuckle. 

He had always done this to you- things that made you feel so special. He is caring and that's one of the things that led you to like him. He remembers everything that you do and talk about, making use of the smallest information into a surprise for you. You smiled in awe, feeling the usual warmth he gave rushing to your cheeks.

"Thank you!" You leaned in, nudging your cheek against his, with your hand on his other cheek, cuffing it gently. His smile grew, patting your back to respond to the sweet gesture. You looked away, grabbing the game to inspect it so the sudden adrenaline would not be obvious to Kenma. This was what you had worried about- not being able to control yourself with him. You didn't want to taint your friendship with actions that question platonic boundaries. You're not one to aimlessly try something new without some sort of validity- and that also applies to relationships with people.

Thinking back, you and Kenma had done a lot of things that couples usually do. You just realized it now due to your growing emotions for him. He's a great guy but you're not too desperate to have a shift of relation with him. You sat down, pushing away the thoughts rushing in your head again.

"I like y-"

" WHAT?" You jumped from your seat, startling Kenma who was about to sit on the other chair.

"Huh?" He slowly sat down with the same shocked expression you had. 

"I.. said I like your new poster?" He pointed to the poster of your favorite game hung by your window. You blushed profusely, mentally scolding yourself from that reaction.

These days, you can't seem to catch a break from your emotions. You weirdly react to anything that Kenma does for you, feeling all giddy and warm.

You embarrassedly giggled and mumbled a small thank you to him.

"I like how they did the colors in that poster, so I got it!" You beamed and he nodded, quite skeptical from how jumpy you just were.

You opened the cover of the game, taking the disk and inserting it to your device. You leaned over to your other desk and took the two controllers. Kenma watched as you set the game, admiring the way you do things. You looked back at him to hand over the other controller. You notice how gentle his hand was that brushed against yours upon taking the controller. You sat back down, attempting to suppress the tingly feeling that started to bubble.

The game loaded in, showing the new changes on the title screen. You smiled excitedly which didn't go unnoticed by Kenma. He lightly chuckled.

The two of you played the game for the rest of the afternoon, comfortably enjoying each other's presence.


"Oh, dinner is here!" You stood up, stretching your limbs from how stiff you sat for hours. Kenma took the initiative to pause the game as you ran out the door to get your food.

He sat straight and stifled a nervous laugh. Your voice rang through the quiet ambience of the apartment as you were paying for the food delivery. 

Kenma sighed, propping an arm to rest his head. He thought back to the events before you two started playing, plastering a worried expression on his face. His eyes were on you the whole time you were in deep thought- he just couldn't help but stare.

"I almost slipped up earlier." He closed his eyes, dismissing the memory of a confession he had almost blurted out.

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