#6 {Mondays}

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"y/nnnn!!! why the fuck is your underwear on my bed?!"

"oh!! holy shit, I was looking for that. Can ya pass it to me?"

"The fuck?"

"I'm sorry! I was in your room earlier after I took a bath and must've left it there!"

"Why were you in my room I-"


Kenma handed you your underware while you were still naked at the other side of the door. He looked horrified, disgusted even when he was holding it between his fingers.

"thanks." you peeked from the door only to see a blushing kenma.

"can't believe we're gonna be late on the first day." he murmured before you closed the door.

You were fine being late on the first day since it was only gonna be full of introductions. You hurriedly put your red shirt with a retro design on the middle, tucked in your sweatpants, along with white vans shoes. You didn't bother tying your hair so you left it after brushing and got out of your room.

"Took you long enough." You got in the driver's seat while kenma handed you the keys who was already in the car when you were still changing.

"Again, I'm sorry. I thought you were gonna go with Kuroo so I overslept." You started driving, munching on the toast that was left on the table earlier.

"Kuroo lives farther away from school so how the fuck-?" he complained, checking your stuff at the back to make sure you didn't forget anything.

"yeah, yeah. my bad, kyanma." he sassily rolled his eyes and checked the time, getting anxious.

"we have 10 minutes before the gate closes." he glanced back at you. You were about to pull a Saeko typa driving only if you didn't have your laptop and other gadgets that were too important to break.

"chill, hub. school is like a 3 minute drive. We'll get there on time." you reassured, turning the car.


"damn. there's a lot of you little brats going late on the first day, huh?" the guard complained while both of you were signing on the log book filled with other late students.

You waited for kenma to finish signing before dashing to the buildings of this campus.

"My class is at that building so let's meet up at the gate at lunch." kenma ran to the opposite building while you ran to the other, catching hinata on the way.

"y/n chan!" you slowed down and turned around to see the same short tangerine that was at your apartment the other day.

"oh hey! I never got your name." you two walked side by side, not caring if you were the last person coming in the room later.

"hm.. it's hinata shoyo!" he smiled infecting you to smile too.

"oh! Kenma mentioned you before!" you two went in the building and surprisingly, there were still a crowd of students in the hallway.

"yeah. My first class is that way so I'll see you around y/n chan!" hinata waved, going to the hallway where most freshmen were while you climbed up the stairs to go to your class for your 2nd year.

When you got in, the professor wasn't there yet and there were still a lot of vacant seats so having common sense, you sat at the very back. 'The guard wasn't really joking when he said a lot of us were late, even the prof.' you thought.

You got worried for kenma since he was also a freshman this year so he might not know his way around yet. You scanned the room, observing everyone around when you felt your phone buzz indicating a message from someone.


"Holy shit, ain't you Kodzuken?" Kenma stood there awkwardly, not getting pass the same amount of crowd on your building. Because of that girl's loud voice, everyone turned to kenma like he was some famous Hollywood actor though he was already world famous for gaming.

"Kodzuken san! Can I please have a picture with you?" one of them said which made everyone push through each other while getting to kenma. It was like a zombie apocalypse and as much as he hated running around, he had no choice. He dashed through the crowd, impressively dodging from everyone's reach.

"Kodzuken san! just a simple autograph?!"

"Please, just a picture!"

"Kodzuken san! Latom!!!"

Kenma quickly searched through the list from every room til he found his. When he finally did, he got the seat from the very back, the same situation on your class where the room was still empty so he let out a breath, relieved that they didn't notice him getting in.

"Stressful first day." he sighed and got his phone out to entertain himself by chatting you.

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