#16 {Peculiar}

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A rushing y/n was seen going back and forth in the public library near their apartment. Kenma, who wasn't having a good time, left for a bit to go and find the new limited game that was released a day before yesterday, which left y/n looking for a novel to be rented and gain inspiration for her new project. The librarian had to even leave her desk for the time being to help this girl who seemed to be panicked in finding a book.

"Found it!" her index finger tapped the very side of the book which was surrounded by other adventure related books left to be dusted. Both ladies walked back to the front desk for this book to be potentially borrowed, passing by some teenagers who weren't even there to read a good book.

"Is the blonde guy you were with, coming back?" The librarian's sweet but monotone voice echoed to her and brought back y/n's attention from looking at her phone.

"hm? kenma?" y/n's phone had found it's way back into her pocket as her hands emptied to grab the book that the lady was almost finished signing.

"So kenma was his name...? Very peculiar name, I suppose.." She smiled as she looks up to the younger female infront of her.

"peculiar..?" y/n's head tilted instinctively.

"well, yeah. It's not everyday you get to hear the name 'kenma' in the streets of Tokyo." for a moment, the librarian's eyes glinted which gave y/n the thought of this lady's interests about people's names.

"does that mean anything in particular?" her head aligned back into it's previous position as the book slowly glided towards her.

"ah.. I must've worded it wrong. By peculiar, I mean, it's odd and uncommon but at the same time, the meaning of it is simple yet special too." The lady's eyes wrinkled on the side caused by her smile.

A strong gush of wind was let in the library for a second, along with the bell on top of the door to ring. A man with long black and blonde hair tied back with a ponytail that seemed to belong to y/n had entered, comfortably dressed in a usual pair of hoodie and sweatpants, with a plastic bag full of dvd games on his right hand.

"Tell the young man a greeting from me." The librarian finishes off the conversation. Y/n lastly smiles at her and grabs the book waiting on the desk as she takes off to go to the said boy.

"What's got you all giggly?" kenma's unamused face was last seen in the library before y/n drags him by the arm, out the current place.

"Nothing~ oh.. also, the lady behind the desk says hi." She lets go of his arm and passes the book onto her other hand.

"Why would she say hi to me..?"

"must've seen you with me earlier." the usual hum escapes from kenma's lips as a reply.

They both take few more steps before the apartment complex comes into view.

"kenma is such an odd name.." the blonde was taken by surprise by the sudden mention of its name which made him look over to y/n who was in a world of her own, voicing out the thoughts.

"what do you-"

"I like it. kenma." a burst of giggles had erupted within her though this wasn't the thing that made kenma's cheeks turn into a light yet faint color of pink.

"you're acting so sus right now." his head turns back infront as it then slightly lowers.

"ok, ok. sorry, i didn't mean to say it that loud." her fit of giggles came to a stop, sighing back into her neutral expression.

"By the way, can I borrow one of your games..?" her sight shifts down onto the bag of games on kenma's hand.

Another sigh has escaped from his nose, though a bit of fluster has remained, "no need to. I specifically bought one so we can both play it together." a faint smile and sudden feeling in y/n's stomach had bloomed which made her all confused. Kenma knows exactly how he's saying his sentences but both of them knew there was nothing romantically involved in it. or is there?

Along the streets of Tokyo where two college students freely roam around were just two ordinary people having in sync heartbeats, living in each others' lives.



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