#11 {Library Hangout}

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The day went by fast and so you tried to occupy yourself by entering the rooms you haven't been to before in this campus.

Your usual duo, Kenma didn't attend classes today since he had to take care of something in his company. Leaves you in boredom if you went back to the apartment on your own.

You looked lost and in desperate to see someone familiar.

As you passed by some of the auditoriums, you found a sign that says library. You entered and looked for a vacant seat to put down your bag.


"Hey, Kuroo san." Shoyo called out to Kuroo who then looked up from his book to face him.

"That's y/n san, right?" Hinata pointed at you who was strolling pass some books in between the shelves.

"HEy–" Bokuto quickly cut himself off when he realised he almost shouted in the library.

"y/n san?" Atsumu turned to the direction where the three boys were faced.

"Kenma's roommate." Shoyo answered.

"Kenma has a female roommate?" Atsumu asked again.

"yeah. and they surprisingly get along." Kuroo was next to answer.

"Kenma can get along with the opposite gender? That's something new." The three of them hummed in agreement.

"I mean, they do have the same job and are both obsessed with video games." Kuroo shrugged.

"Kenma has alot of jobs though?"

"youtubers or streamers to be specific."

"Wait- where's Kenma right now?" Bokuto asked.

"He texted me he'd be gone for today to fill up some paperwork at his company." Kuroo went back to reading his book.

"Anyway, Atsumu san" Atsumu brought his attention back to Hinata and tilted his head.

"Where's Aiko chan?" Hinata closed the book he was reading and passed it to Bokuto.

"She went to pick up her sister from the airport." Atsumu replied.

"oh hi!" the four boys turned to your call.

"y/n san! shouldn't you be back at the apartment?" Kuroo got up and pushed you to sit with them.

"I'm just waiting for Kenma's text. I'll go back once I know he's there." you sat next to Hinata who gave you a bright smile.

"Oh yeah, y/n san, this is Atsumu Miya." Hinata directed at Atsumu.

"Atsumu Miya? You sound familiar." you got your phone out and opened the book you just picked.

"Really? I mean, I guess I'm quite known here for volleyball."

"Sure.. anywho, nice to meet you, Miya san." you smiled at Atsumu and he nodded in return.

"Atsumu is fine. Nice to meet you too."


"Ohhh, so your girl's name is Aiko? Cool!"

"Yeah, Aiko chan is very awesome, you should try and be friends with her, y/n san!" Hinata looked at Atsumu's phone that had Aiko as the wallpaper which he was showing to you.

"She's in the same class as Kenma." Atsumu got his phone back and put it in his bag.

"Really? Kenma hasn't mentioned her"

"He doesn't know her so that's why" Atsumu chuckled.

"You wanna hang out at our place when Aiko is free?" Bokuto joined in the conversation.

"Sure, I'd love to meet her." you smiled.

"She's very hyper though, just a heads up." Kuroo grinned as he looked at Hinata who had the same level of energy as Aiko.

"Well damn, I'll make sure to drink coffee then when I meet her." The five of you laughed.

Though this wasn't like any other days where you'd get to cling to Kenma, it was still fun talking with his friends.

It was already dark out and was about to rain soon.

You heard that gaming ringtone you've set for Kenma and you immediately grabbed your phone and picked up.

"Helloooo!" you were the first to greet.

"Hey, it's already dark. Where are you?" He asked from the other line.

"I'm about to go home, don't worry. What do you want for dinner?" you stood up and waved the four boys goodbye as you then walked out the library.

"I already ordered food." he answered and you grinned.

"They talk like a couple, not gonna lie.." Atsumu smirked as the other three agreed.

"I think Kenma has grown attached to his roommate." Kuroo smiled.



so lyk, i made a pov of Kyanma singing in my yt channel, if yall want sum more fluff

the song is 'Nothing' by Bruno Major,,, and I thought it would sound like timeskip kenma🛐

my channel name is Juno Hacx,, #sElFpRomOtiOn

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