#23 {Yearbook}

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"So were all of you in the volleyball team just a bunch of models?"

"One of them, sure"

In the midst of a Sunday afternoon, y/n flipped through a year old yearbook that belonged to Kenma. Surprisingly, he still kept it after promising to dispose that thing since he doesn't really see any use to it.

"Which one here?"

"He was a year younger than me although you might see him at the very last page where club pictures were taken." Kenma reached down to grab the book.

"Here he is" He pointed onto a light grey-haired male that was double the height of Kenma. He was clearly unamused by this and she noticed.

"Was he a foreigner?"

"I guess you can say that." He averted his eyes to the other members.

"What about Kuroo?"

"He graduated earlier so he's not in the club pictures." y/n simply nodded.

Dust particles floated in the air from how unused this book was. They took their time to scan and read everyone's photo and quotes, oblivious to who they even were.

"I haven't seen your quote yet, where are you?" She flipped onto more pages.

"You'll find me eventually. Yamamoto and Fukunaga kun said I stood out the most in school." Kenma disappointingly sighs.

"Really? Were you like some icon or someone famous around the ladies in high school?" y/n sarcastically giggles which earned an eye roll from him.

"Oh, who is this?" she pointed to someone unfamiliar to both her and Kenma.

"Read the name, idiot."He retorted.

"I meant if you know this guy?"

"Do you really see me as someone who cares for some stranger's existence? I don't even remember half of my classmates' names." Kenma coldly stares back at e/c eyes.

"Ok geez- you don't gotta lower your self esteem like that." She gazes back to the page.

Y/n decided to sought for Kenma by skipping through the pages, passing by some of his teammates' photos. Not long before rechecking back at a page that caught her eye.

"WOAH, PUDDING HEAD OHMYGOSH" she squealed out of surprise which left Kenma endearingly confused.

"It's not that specia–"

"YOU LOOK SO CUTE" She blurted out that left a faint red tint on either of his cheeks.

"wait, I forgot to ask, why'd you dye your hair?" y/n turned to look at Kenma who immediately faced down to the book to hide his flustered face.

"What do you mean why?"

"Like, I thought you didn't want to attract attention??"

"Let's just say I was mistaken for a ghost back in my first year." He slowly looked back up to her feeling the blush fade away.

"mhmm.. I think you'll look good both natural and blonde anyway, or other colors too. Hey, want me to dye your hair pin–"

"not a chance."He softly slapped the back of y/n's head. She quickly puffs out a pout before continuing to look at his high school photo.

After admiring Kenma's hair color, she didn't even notice the expression he had that somehow confused her, "Before you say anything, they told us to smile."

"How awkward could you get?" She silently chuckled to herself.

"It's not that bad. Atleast I hope it's not to others.." Kenma argued.

"Now that I think of it, since you rarely even smile, this awkward grin of yours just makes it quite cute too." She reassured.

"Anyway, what quote did you put in–"

"I will sue this school in the future for confiscating all my gadgets."

"What the fuck." y/n absentmindedly choked on air.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I'd do that sometime." Kenma started grinning like a psychopath.

"How was this even allowed, what??" She brought up the book closer, thinking she read it wrong.

"Hey, they should be thankful I haven't done it yet."

"Did you atleast get them back?"


"Ok, yeah, I'll help you." y/n closed the yearbook and put it back into his closet

"Hey, you promised I'd also get a look at your yearbook?" Kenma stood up, stretching his legs after sitting for what seemed to be over thirty minutes.

"I just said that so you'd let me look at yours, sorry. It's back at my parents' house." She ran out of his room although he quickly chased after her.

ha ha guess who's developing feelings now 🧍

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