#9 {Stop Breaking the Fourth Wall}

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Both y/n and kenma were at the living room, doing their first homework of the school year. Kenma sitting properly on the floor and y/n all sprawled over with her homework scattered around her.

It was another day of a spacing-out y/n.

"oi" kenma poked her side with his pen.

"Are you not gonna do your homework?"

you looked at kenma and sat up with a serious aura emitting from you. kenma tilted his head, suprised you weren't in the typical go-happy mood right now.

"kenma." you put your hand on his shoulder and looked at him with dead serious eyes. You seem pretty dominant and he was getting worried.

"what's up with you..?" kenma got the courage to whisper out a question like how he talked with people before. He even averted his eyes somewhere.

"have you..." you removed your hand from his shoulder and leaned in, still having those intimidating eyes.

"have i..." kenma muttered, currently blushing at how close you were.

the two of you stayed like that for a few seconds with just silence and intense stares.

as you leaned away, you sighed. Kenma got prepared at what you were gonna say since he's never seen you this serious before.

"have you ever thought we're in a series or a movie.. oh! or probably a book and the people from the other universe are currently watching or thinking about us?" you scrunched your face as kenma's eye twitched.

"really? all the time you've wasted and had made me worry, that's all you've got to say?" kenma deadpanned.

"weeelllllll~if you think about it.." you put your thumb on your chin as you think.

"who'd be the main character if it was true..? kuroo san? bokuto kun?" you blabbered. Kenma went back to doing his homework while he listens to you.

"what do you think?" you asked kenma, your goofy personality coming back.

"you still have a mother, right? And your parents are still together, yeah?" kenma scribbled words onto the answer sheets, looking at his laptop every now and then.

"I'm no trap so if I were to be the main character, most definitely not gonna be a shounen... maybe a shoujo manga or anime... dunno hub." you spoke out your thoughts.

"alsoooo, what if the strangers we pass by everyday are people from another universe who shifted into this story we're part in...?"

"why can't you be that intelligent when it comes to school.." kenma sighed.

"not gonna lie, if you were to be the main character, you'd probably be those characters who breaks the fourth wall." you processed what kenma had said and grinned.

"lol, I wonder what the author of the story I'm in is planning.." y/n squinted her eyes, looking at what she thought was an invisible camera that was filming her.

"well, you better stop breaking the fourth wall then." Kenma closed his laptop and rolled his answer sheets to bonk at your head.

"I can't, the author is the one making me do it." you scrunched your nose at him and got up to arrange your answer sheets.

"Are you seriously not gonna finish your homework?" kenma also got up and closed your laptop to bring with him when he goes upstairs.

"I'm already done. I did it while I was in class. This ones I'm holding are due next week." you put everything away and sat on the sofa.

"who do you think people ship m–"

"stop breaking the fourth wall, main character." kenma went upstairs as your cheeks flushed when he called you a main character.



Inspired by me and my friend's convo back then when we were being big brains.

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