#1 {Moving In}

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"Yes, I know. I already know my way around the street, Kuroo." Kenma spoke through the phone with Kuroo on the other line.

"Do you know who you're gonna be sharing the apartment with?" Kuroo asked.

"I know that it's gonna be someone I share the same hobby with when I asked the owner." He gathered all his luggage and went out of his house.

"What if it's a girl? What would you do?"

"I don't really care as long as they don't disturb me, then I'm cool with them."

Kenma waited for his mom to pick him up and drive him to his apartment near his new school, which was miles away from their home. The thought of leaving home didn't bother Kenma— it just meant unlocking a new level in his life.

"mhm... make sure you talk to them since you are gonna be staying with them for shit knows how long." Kuroo advised, sighing  on the other line.

"I'm not mute, Kuroo."

After seeing her car, he hung up and made way for his mom's car to park and got in.


"Why does their room look bigger than mine?" You questioned yourself, pouting.

Your roommate will be settling in today, and you're currently struggling to organize your stuff, making sure they'll arrive with the place tidy like how you first got there, and hoping to strike a good first impression to whom will arrive.

"Fixing these wires would take me forever!" You groaned, referring to your computer's wires and other gaming and blogging equipment you own.

A bit of time passed, that being a torture to you as you physically can not even stand up anymore. You finally finished cleaning up, which was actually quite impressive considering your usual unmotivated personality.

You snapped a few photos at this once in a lifetime scenery of your clean space before posting it online to update your followers.

You sat on the sofa, limbs all sprawled out to a comfortable position as you sighed out of exhaustion.

Just as you were about to close your eyes, you heard knocking on the front door.

"shit." you muttered and quickly jumped off the sofa and the front door while dusting off your clothes.

The doorbell rang again, and you heaved a deep breath before opening it— to be greeted by a boy with black and bleached fading colored ends. He isn't too tall and was scrawny to intimidate you. Overall, he seemed to be a pretty laxed guy, making you sigh in relief. Despite gender not being something you tend to worry about, you were honestly not expecting a boy to be living with you.

"The landlord sure can be full of surprises."  You thought, swinging the door wide open for the boy to invite himself in.

"Can you... not stare at me like that." he shyly looked away.

You were surprised even more that that was the first thing you'd hear from him instead of the usual 'hello' or 'glad to finally meet you'. It didn't hit you until he actually told you, and you felt quite embarrassed. You had to admit— although he looks simple, he was still quite stunning. It's not everyday you come across a pretty boy.

"So much for a good first impression, I guess." You scoffed.

"Ah.. you must be my new roommate. I'll help you with your luggage, uh..." You stared at him, waiting for him to tell you his name.

"Kozume Kenma... though Kenma is fine." he slightly bowed his head.

He's timid, which made you smile awkwardly. Well, it wasn't a problem. You're somewhat of a chatterbox, and that's enough to lighten up this apartment.

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