#21 {Umbrella}

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gentle rain poured around the area, softly tapping the window beside Kenma. Rainy seasons weren't always the best though it certainly wasn't so bad either. "I have my umbrella but I'm not sharing."

"You're a prick, you know that?" Catlike eyes pierced with a hint of tease. "Not my fault your umbrella got obliterated by the wind."

Another usual day inside the library, not too exciting nor too blue, just plain eh. Both second years sat, facing each other in silence. The atmosphere couldn't be less emptier.

"So like, wanna go on an arcade date?"

"y/n, we're suspended by another three weeks because you broke the machine."

"hey- it was your idea.." she incoherently grumbled at the end.

Flashes of headlights from the vehicles passing by reflected the glass panes. Soft howls of the wind made it feel more gloomy, along with the rain.

Minutes pass and they still are seated on the same spot. By then, the library was getting a bit stuffed, mostly by all the freshmen with their trendy wardrobes. 'cringe' y/n internally voiced, blatantly annoyed with herself for having unnecessarily mean thoughts.

A few stopped by not too near, though they did look confused and surprised.

"Kenma, are those your side chicks or something? Can you please tell them to stop looking." Kenma just indicated an eye roll to this request. "Bold of you to assume people would want to talk to me." He plainly answers.

"Are you classifying me as unhuman?"

"I want apple pie, we should go."

"You haven't answered my.." She slowly halted her words as per seeing one of those freshmen walk up to their range of vision.

A pinch of awkwardness slapped both of them when the person started talking.

'you talk to him.'

'no you do it'

'for fucks sake'

'i told you we should've left'


'keep your thoughts down and like hell would i wait with you..'

They most likely have some telekinesis ability just from staring at each other. Scary as it is, they understand themselves so well. 'I'm not talking to some tacky ass-'

"Um.. hello?" A cut of their mind reading brought them back when they glanced at him.

"Sorry, did you need something from us?"

Kenma just sat back and let y/n do all the talking although he still feels a bit stiff as dozens of pairs of eyes were stuck on him from the other table.

"I was asking if you two were uh.. content creators by any chance?" He awkwardly laughed.

Time really just became nonexistent for y/n as she didn't notice the pause on her behalf; moderately fazed trying to think of a reply.

"We're not." Kenma coldly replied. Eye slightly twitching out of annoyance.

A gush of wind howled outside the window that set the mood between the three, lighter.

'This truly is a very uncomfortable situation. I want to off myself' –kenma's internal words

"Excuse us but we need to leave." The blonde's blunt words made the boy confused, still, he just let them be.

"Oh um, ok. Sorry for the interruption." With nothing left to do, Kenma abruptly stood up and grabbed y/n who's still trying to process what just happened. He initiated a speed walk with her out the room.

"Aren't we gonna wait for the rain to stop?" The sound of thunder growled from the distance as she said so.

"You can use my umbrella, I have a hood anyway."

"Er- the fuck are you saying? We can just share the umbrella."

"You have a better chance of catching a cold with that outfit of yours."

"But if you were to catch a cold, I'd be too busy to take care of you, dickhead."

"I'll be fine."

"Like hell would that stop me from blabbering."

"I swear, I'm gonna leave you here to perish."

"Better than either of us getting sick, I guess."

The bickering halted for a while. They walked through in silence and eventually reached the entrance where more rain awaited them.

"I was kidding, I'm not gonna leave you here."

Kenma looked for the umbrella and carefully opened it.

"It's so small- Both of us will get sick, I just know it." He entirely ignored her words as his hand landed on her wrist.

They then started walking to the direction of y/n's car and the umbrella really wasn't being a big help.

"Well, we can both take care of each other when that happens." He laughed.

The two made eye contact and Kenma's hand travelled onto y/n's palm. Another growl of thunder was heard in the distance although, went unnoticed by the pair.

"Might as well walk in the rain if you say it like that."

"We can risk it together." His eyes left hers and onto the empty lot that was covered in large puddles.

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