#22 {Q & A}

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"So to celebrate our reach to seven mil on youtube and five hundred thousand twitch followers, as promised, we will be doing a quick q and a at the very end of this stream." Kenma announced as he changed the layout of his stream to only focus on him.

The questions have already been prepared and will just be reading it based on the comments on his twitter post.


Kodzuken ☑ @KenmaK • 26m

Ask me anything. 📝


This was going to be something disastrous, he'd expect.


Y/N ☑ @(username) • 5m

Wanna be official? ;)
Kodzuken ☑ @KenmaK • 2m

not you.


"RUDE" y/n shouted from the other room although Kenma's mic didn't pick up her voice. He bit back a grin.

"uh Elaine and Janine, thanks for the 20 gifted subs. I really appreciate it." His sight shifted back to his phone screen to check more questions.

There were some weird ones but that's nothing new on his comment section. He'd be willing to answer them as long as it doesn't get him banned.


Jello @tropicalfussy • 11m

PLEASE. marry me.


"that's not a question."


Xx_fyou_xX @tope • 4m

please marry me?


"that's a question but I'm not interested." he gave an intimidating smile.


Patz @Denji • 6m

what's your favorite food? ( 。ớ ₃ờ)ฅ


"A proper question, finally. It's apple pie. thanks for asking."


Couffaine @Luka • 10m

Will you be collaborating with other cc's soon?


"I've done some collaborations with y/n, though I'm still editing it which will be uploaded on Tuesday" He paused for a bit.

"But if you mean like new content creators, then it's possible too." He added


Aiqo @Aikoඞ • 9m

How's y/n??!
Atsu ☑ @MiyaAtsumu • 5m

wtf are you doing here 📸


"well nice to interact with you again, Aiko.. y/n's doing-"
"she's doing something I guess." Kenma disappointingly sighs.

In the other room, y/n was uncontrollably laughing at how ridiculous and lost his expressions looked.

"He'll be fine, I think." She closed the stream and played music so she can continue on with her workout in peace.


Felixz @Senjubb • 17m

congratsss on 7 mil Kodzuu !! I just wanted to ask if you and (username) are ok with the shipping or ship contents people make?? /lh


"I don't really see a problem with it as long as it doesn't go too far and make her feel uncomfortable" Kenma's expression turned soft.

"Us public figures have boundaries too so I expect you guys, specifically my viewers, to respect her, yeah?" He finished off.


Hilo @Sheef • 1m

WAIT- Are the fanfics alright then?


"Fanfics? send me links, I might read it on stream next time for fun."


Vanql @Jepafk • 3m

Any possibility you'd date (username) though?? /lh /gen


"Who knows, we might be dating right now" Kenma snorted.

"I was kidding but there's a sixty-five percent possibility, sure."


Ten @IsActuallyNine • 8m

What would you name your pet or child? 📝


"I'm- huh? Probably Clovy, Goblin or Elodie. I don't even know if I want to have kids but a pet, yes." He lastly answers.

Kenma closes off the bird app and clicked onto twitch where he'll be ending the stream.

"Then, that'll be all I'm answering since the other questions doesn't look like it'd be good to answer live." He switches back to his neutral expression.

"It's been fun hanging out with you guys today and I'll see you all again on Friday." The viewers were left with a black screen indicating that the stream had already ended.

Kenma turned his pc off and went to the kitchen to get himself a drink.

"sixty-five percent, huh?" y/n who was now sprawled over the sofa, raised a brow.

"I actually meant eighty-five, sorry." he retorted.

"wait, actually??"

"yeah, eighty-five percent of becoming your very best friend, that is."

He lied.

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