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This is an extra chapter, supposedly published before chapter 25 TvT


"You're growing up so fast.."

"We're nearly the same age, the fuck are you on about?"

And thus, the sixteenth of October has came bringing nothing more than a mix of flatter and exhaustion in Kenma's day so far. Kuroo, on the other hand, had just been latching onto his bestest friend, making the most for his special day.

Currently, both of them were wandering around the local park, discussing about any topic that comes to mind. The day was ending anyway so why not spend it with each other which they hardly do so due to workloads and unsynchronized schedules.

"I remember when you were younger, you'd always get sick whenever you overdid yourself."

"Why are you bringing that up.." Kuroo chuckled at his response.

"Don't you find it sad at the realization that you're growing up?" Kenma slowly shook his head, a bit of doubt washing over his face.

"In seven to ten years from now, you might even be married already." Kuroo continued.

"I don't know about the marriage part-"

They stayed silent for a while. Kenma kept his attention to his phone as he play his game while Kuroo just kept to his thoughts. All was heard in the background were rushing water from the fountain, faint laughter of kids from afar and passing vehicles.


The ongoing silence broke when Kuroo halted his steps and stretched his limbs, a yawn quickly following. "So, be honest with me, Kenma" he started. "Do you like someone?"

"This topic again?" Kenma deadpan.

"It's a continuation from the marriage conversation." Kuroo grinned.

Kenma thought of an answer but still instinctively said, "Nope. No one in particular."

"You're not a very good liar, you know that?" He snickered.

"You can't be bringing this up when you don't even have someone you like."

"I do. You just haven't met 'em yet."

"Yeah and it's better not to meet them considering their taste in men.." Kenma worded a little too harshly as Kuroo just sighed. He's definitely used to Kenma's insults.

The two stopped once they've reached the apartment. Kuroo curiously looked at Kenma as he just gazes onto the entrance.

"Actually" The blonde started.

"I do have someone in mind." He walked in, leaving Kuroo standing outside after his quick confession.

The taller male brightly smiled as excitement left his expression. It was the exact answer he needed and he couldn't be more proud.

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