#5 {Sundays}

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It was finally Sunday meaning tomorrow would be the start of classes. Everything was ready, your laptop, textbooks, and other materials needed in college. The schedule of classes were already posted on the school's website page and you were free to do nothing today.

You were currently watching tv, enjoying all the lazy time you'd only get before stressing tomorrow.

"y/n." kenma bonked his laptop softly on your head, making you choke on the chip you were eating.


"use your own netflix account. I'm already paying anyway so stop adding unfinished movies on my recently watched list." he sat down on your back since you were lying down on the sofa on your stomach. You silently groaned and switched the account to yours.

"hub, get the fuck off please." you glared at him though he wasn't that heavy so it wasn't really a bother to you. He got up and you sat up feeling sick from eating about 3 bags of chips by now.

"If you get sick tomorrow, I'm telling your professor you skipped." He sat down on the smaller sofa.

"chill, my weak immune system says 'if you don't have corona, you're free to go out.' " you joked earning a sigh of disappointment from your roommate.

"I'm going to fix my stuff." He stood up and went to the kitchen to get you water and placed it on the coffee table infront of you before going upstairs. Chugging the water, you turned the tv off and went back to your room to edit videos.


"Kyanmaaa!" you called out from your room.

"what?" he peeked in before going to you.

"I think this girl is from your class and she emailed me if I could get you to respond to her on insta." you pointed at your computer that showed a not so anonymous fan of kenma.

"just ignore it." he walked back but you stopped him.

"wait- I emailed her back tho..." you looked down, sheepishly smiling while feeling guilty.

"what did you respond?" he sighed and went to check the email again.

"bet." was the only word you said and kenma face-palmed.

"you do it. I still have stuff to do." he handed you his phone and got back to his room. You looked at his phone, finally giving you another chance to use it after you almost broke it last Thursday.

Ofcourse, being the little snoop that you are, you took like two or three selfies, checking the camera quality before deciding to buy the same phone as his.

"Bitch has clear camera... damn." you muttered before closing the camera app and opening his insta.

You checked the dms, spammed by his fans. You looked through to find the name of the girl that emailed you. It was impossible to even find her account so you had to search it up rather than scroll through millions of accounts.

When you found her account, you clicked on it with the 'follow back' button. Without the permission of kenma to follow her back though, you just directly went to her messages only to see that she had spammed him with... h3nt4i c0d35?

You laughed at her messages, "this fan of kyanma is a keeper." you said in between your laughs, then proceeding to message her back with "latom🙏"

It was quickly spammed again by her with more codes so you had to mute kenma's phone before it lags. Going back to your pc, you deleted the girl's email then shut it off, quickly getting up and go to kenma's room to give back his phone.

"took you long enough." you handed over the phone before letting out a small giggle which made kenma confused.

"I don't even want to know what you responded to her." you giggled again and shrugged, going to your room leaving a dumbfounded kenma.



and again,,, another random chapter that came across my mind just so I could update more even if the plot is turning like shit.

goddamn internet do be making me furious so the time im typing this, i can only save it in my drafts for now.

wrote this at-

/Sunday, December 13/

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