#28 {Fluff} <p1>

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Every content creator has its own group of supporters. Those that give endless love for the ones they consume content from, and then there's those who attack other people, thinking it's their responsibility to just so they can "protect" their idol.

Vin @loelle • 1d
(username) should really stop clinging onto kodzuken for clout. It's honestly getting annoying at this point...
Allo @revi_809 • 21h
Agreed. kodzuken seems so forced lately to add her in a collab.

keshaV @ketha6 • 15h
ya'll really defending a clout chaser lmaoooooo
Aiqo @Aikoඞ • 7m
you really think by saying this, kodzuken would give you a follow back? literally go outside kid.


A visible frown was plastered onto the girl's face in front of Kenma as she scrolled through her phone notifications. This has been going on for quite a while now but it keeps getting worse whenever she'd stream with Kenma. Thousands of negative tweets flooding her phone every second.

"Is something the matter?"

"huh?" y/n shut her phone off and quickly switched to her signature cheerful grin.

"Just a sad post about a kitten, sorry if I worried you haha" Kenma was really puzzled with her reaction but let it be like usual. He really couldn't figure out what's been bothering her for the times he'd catch her seeming so down.

The two were currently walking to the car after a day's hard work with studies. Nothing new to the routine, when they get home they'd wash themselves, have dinner, stream after and get a good night's rest.

Their relationship has also been on and off lately, most likely since they've already figured out their feelings for the other and the rest may be on y/n's end with her situation online. Nonetheless, Kenma has been oblivious to the said situation.

As they got to the car and drove off, the silence gave them another awkward tension. It doesn't seem like the normal silence they would have. Kenma felt that something was off with his roommate.

"Don't you think Shoyo is getting better at serving? I can't wait to watch their next game!" She immediately cut him off.

Kenma just raised a brow before releasing a sigh. "Yeah." He finished.

Deciding it's best to just keep quiet and let her handle whatever is bothering her as he didn't want to be another bother to her.

Even with loud music blasting in the car, it didn't fix the awkward atmosphere. The way back home was gloomy and full of unspoken sentences that haunted their thoughts. What a hellish situation they're in right now.

✿-- -.-- / --. .. .-. .-..

Both of them carried on with their routine. Y/n started her studies again in the living room while Kenma went to go prepare his waiting room for the stream.

Exhaustion exasperated the two after finished showering that they quickly felt like passing out despite the night being young. Of course, as much as they want to rest or hang out, they still have work to do.

"You wanna join me play on stream?" Kenma's eyes glistened with hope as he asked y/n.

But for the first time, "I can't right now, sorry." y/n couldn't stare him directly in the eye as she focused on writing the notes from her laptop. "Have a good stream though." She gave him a small smile before playfully shooing him away to his room.

Kenma frowned and knitted his eyebrows to form a bitter expression. He turned to go back upstairs, though quickly halting to say a few words. "You know, if something is bothering you, just tell me. You don't have to look so happy all the time when you're not, it worries me."

"Don't hide how you feel.."

He walked up to go start the stream, leaving the air in the apartment volatile. His words messed up y/n's study pace that now, she couldn't focus anymore.

"I guess I'm not so slick with this.." she murmured to herself, quickly catching Kenma's stream notification on her laptop.

Just Another APEX Stream with Friends [Kodzuken]



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