#24 {Project}

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People started walking out the pouring rain, clutching onto their umbrellas for dear life as they didn't want to get their laptops and paperworks wet. Some had slipped because of the puddles on the pavement they were walking at and some didn't even care as they straight walked out, being soaked completely.

Kenma stood there on the entrance, shivering at the cold breeze. It was truly a nice weather this month. Well, for frogs atleast.

He complained on his mind about how the internet will turn shit again because of the weather or how the stray cats by the arcade will starve if he doesn't feed them today.

As endless reasons to why this day is bad, circulated his thoughts, a sudden buzz came from his pocket. His mood slightly lifted from who was calling.

"Hey, Kenma?"


"Yeah hello. I might be coming home late so you can go on ahead.." she heaved out a shaky sigh as a glimpse of cold breeze was heard on the other line.


Kenma stared up at the clouds and seemed that it was going to rain all night. He kind of got worried about y/n's way back.

"I've got a project to finish with someone which I don't know how long it'll take. I might just call later if I can't go home, it's alright."

"Why not do it tomorrow? You didn't look like you were doing a project before?"

"It was just announced yesterday, although my partner doesn't really have much free time so he asked to do it today."

"I'll get lonely back at the apartment though.." Kenma mumbled.

"What was that? sorry." y/n's voice got a bit muffled as the rain fell a lot heavier than earlier.

"Can I go with you?"

"you know you can't come along, Kenma.." she laughed.


"no. just get home safe alright?"

Although y/n can't see it, she knew Kenma was doing that specific irritated face.

"Can you atleast send me your location? Where are you going to be staying?"

"At their house nearby. I'll text you the address but you better not show up, I swear.. "

"So are you really sure you don't want me to g–"



Y/n hung up and awaited for his pair to arrive while Kenma walked back to the apartment feeling colder than the last time he walked through the rain with someone.

It was his last minute decision to just hang around the arcade when he passed by. He proceeded to join the stray cats on the side of the arcade building as he sat and watched the raindrops with them.

"Have you guys eaten today?" He quickly ripped out a piece of paper and brought it down on the dry spot, next to the cats, to put some of his leftovers from lunch.

"Mind me staying here for a bit?" He kept his eyes on a specific Calico cat that was looking back at him, which seemed to be the mother of the younger looking cats that were feasting on the food he put down.

The phone he was holding lit up, showing a text message from y/n and the address she was going to.


After a couple hours, they didn't quite finish the project although she proposed to do the remaining since it's not that much work anymore.

"Do you need me to call you a taxi?"

"It's ok, my apartment is only a fifteen minute walk from here.. if I jog atleast." She reasoned to not make it seem that she forgot her wallet with Kenma back at lunch.

"You sure? It's not very polite of me to just leave a lady out in the rain."

"I'll be fine. Thanks anyway, Shirabu."

Y/n got her phone out to to contact Kenma yet he wasn't picking up so she decided to just message him. "Hey, I'm going home. have u eaten?"

She gathered all her stuff and carefully put them back in her bag. Unfortunately for her though, the umbrella's stretcher got jammed earlier so it would be hard to keep herself dry on the way back.

"I'll be going now, see you around." Y/n opened the front door and stood on the steps that was covered by the portico.

She glanced to her left as a small light caught her eye.

"Oh, you're finally done." Kenma put his switch back in his bag and walked up to her.

"How long have you been standing there?!"

"like an hour or so" He reached for the bag y/n was carrying on her left arm and started walking again.

It took her a second to take in the confusion before catching up to him. If she were to be honest, she was thankful that Kenma came, not because she wanted his help but just his presence was enough to ease her worries.

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