#20 {Hangout with Aiko}

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"WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT FUCK STOP" an exaggerated gasp came out of Kenma's mouth as everyone else abruptly laughs at his disgusted expression. The rain had already subsidised yet their voices were still loud enough for their neighbours to file a noise complaint.

Kuroo's first instinct was to take a couple of photos of Kenma who was sitting ever so stiffly on Bokuto's shoulders while Hinata and y/n aimed at him with toy guns. This made the blonde dig his not so sharp nails into Bokuto's cheeks, wincing in the process.

Sakusa, on the other hand, was definitely not enjoying this as he is covered in five thick sheets of blankets, all huddled up on the very edge of the sofa. "Sakusa san- hElP" Kiyoomi just apologetically stares at Kenma.

Before his life could flash before him, they all shut as to hearing a soft knock on the front door. "I told you guys to keep it down.." Sakusa clicked his tongue. He took the initiative to open the door as the rest just acted like introverted children, hiding from the anonymous guests.

He carefully made his way to the door, predicting when Hinata, Bokuto and y/n will grab his leg. He thought he'd face someone from next door but once the door opened, it was someone annoyingly familiar.

Sakusa just stood there, completely in shock after having to add another idiot to this already chaotic group. There was also a girl beside him. "OMI KUN" Atsumu jumped to hug the wavy haired as he bluntly moves aside, making Atsumu fall on the hard floor to which he saw Bokuto's ass sticking out behind the wall.

"Oi, what the fuck are you doing?" The setter immediately got up to join in on their little whisper group. "Sorry.." Aiko awkwardly laughs to Sakusa though he had bowed in return. He let her in and the first thing her eye catches on was a h/c haired female.

"Hey Aiko" Kuroo was the first to greet in their group but she ignored him and kept coming closer to the girl beside Hinata. She gently placed her palm on y/n's cheek and leaned on top of her. "ayo, are we aboutta kith right now?" was the only words that escaped y/n's lips.

"Hey girl, wanna get marri-" Aiko got cut off as she was picked up by Atsumu, catlike. "Not again.. sorry y/n." Bokuto maniacally laughed at them, followed by Hinata. Aiko was let down beside Kuroo who teasingly placed his hand on top of her head. The only confused people were Sakusa and Kenma.

"Hey, hey, Aiko chan, took you long enough to meet y/n chan." Shoyo beamed at Aiko. Finally sitting next to her, Atsumu had only sighed. "I swear she falls in love with every girl, it's annoying.."

"So, ha ha, hey sexy.." The silver blue haired female bit her bottom lips, continuously trying to flirt. Kenma just observed from the side.

"You don't have to answer y/n..anyway, what were you guys doing before we got here?" Atsumu took his jacket off and folded it onto his lap. Kenma was still struggling to pull the zipper down, frustratingly wanting to get out of this childish outfit.

"As you can see," Kuroo's eyes landed on Kenma, "we were doing a fashion show." The blonde cat furiously grunted.

A few laughs were exchanged which made the time seem to leap fast. For the past fifteen minutes, Aiko had just kept silent, admiring how y/n would gracefully talk.

Although for y/n, she wasn't acting all too crazy considering she didn't want to give a bad first impression to Aiko or to anyone new for the matter. It was kind of a second nature thing for her.

"Hey, Atsumu kun, what happened to Aiko chan?" Hinata noticed her silence to what lead to that question. Everyone silently looked at her but it seems that her mind was far too gone away from this world. Her gray hues still stayed on e/c crystals.

"ehm..hi, Aiko san.." y/n gave her first proper greeting. It was like a signal for Aiko as her senses came back, "HI" was her only utter.

A small giggle jumped from y/n. "Say, Atsumu kun, may I borrow her for a bit?" She had a small hesitation though she didn't wait for him to answer and grabbed her gently by the wrist, back to her room.


"Those two are suspiciously taking too long" The romance film they've been watching has ended but the two girls were still upstairs. An unpleasant scent came from the hallway when their attention halted. "Where are you guys going?"

"Gonna go teach mi lauv how to skate." Aiko nonchalantly tied y/n's laces and proceeded to guide her out the apartment.

A short silence engulfed the room as the boys tried to think what happened for the past hour they were stuck in y/n's room.

"Well.. that just happened."

"I swear if I see one of my perfumes gone again and been mixed with other perfumes.." Kenma's legs flung forward and stomped their way to his room.


Yes, Aiko is naturally weird.

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