part 14

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Okay before starting the update I want to clear something..

It was my third story on Wattpad.. I started writing this story on 26nov 2019 for the first time.. first it has so many grammatical mistakes and hindi words but with the time I corrected so many mistakes of mine..I unpublished this story because of the negativity it..
There were few readers who even pointed fingers on my character too.. Then I started writing this story again I added so many new scenes but that doesn't mean I will going to change the main plot of this story MANIK WAS IMPERFECT HE MADE MISTAKES AND I MIGHT NOT JUSTIFY HIS CHARACTER WELL ANYWAYS LEAVE IT..

She came back from the office early today as her dad didn't give her much work load..

Unlocking the door she stepped in and sat on the couch leaning her head back.. Her mind drifted to week back when that club fiasco happened and ofcourse the aftermath..


"What the fuck you are doing? Where are you taking me?" She shouted but he didn't reply and dragged her towards his car..

He pushed her in and occupied the driving seat.. she tried to opened the door but it was locked by him..

Grunting she looked at him as he drove off.."fuck you Malhotra" she muttered and punched his arm he hissed but concentrated on driving..

"Ughhh where are you taking me?", She shouted..

"Stop shouting women" he said being all irritate..

"Such an ass, gadha, jaanwar, Begairat, wahiyad insaan" she said angrily shooting daggers at him..

His car halted outside the police station and he turned towards her unbuckling the belt "please try to behave like a girl inside and not some roadside goons" her eyes widened..

"Did you just call me roadside goons?" She shouted while he palmed his ears..

"Stop shouting and come with me we'll fight later" he said and stepped out of the car and so did she..

They stepped in and the inspector lead them to one room where that guy was sitting who tried to molest nandini..

"He was the same guy who tried to force you day before yesterday huh?" He asked and she looked at the boy at first she didn't see his face that night as he was wearing mask but when manik was beating him she was his face..

She nodded in yes..

Manik went to him pulled him by jerking his collar "tell me who hired you that night?" Manik asked but he didn't answer which angered him so he punched him hard..

"Tell me who hired you?" He tried to ask uncountable times but that stranger didn't answer..

"Mr Malhotra you leave him I'll handle him and soon he will spill the truth" The inspector said to manik..

"Beat him or do anything with him I just want the truth" manik said and The Inspector nodded..

Nandini stood there like a statue but manik dragged her out and made her sat inside the car.. He sat on the driving seat and started the car..

"If you still think that I hired him to molest you then I can't do anything" he said and she looked at him he glanced at her for a second then concentrate on driving..

"I did worst with you nandini I know but I can't stoop this low anyways I am not defending myself you can hate me" he said she didn't answer and looked out of the window..

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