part 22

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Next update is here wohoo😌😌 do hit the star button and leave your precious comments..

I was having dinner silently or you can say playing with the food just then mom said something which shook me..

"Manik I want you to marry naina"

She can't be serious!!

"What mom what are you saying"I freaked out " how could you say this mom huh? my wife she is alive and she is with me and I don't want to marry any other person" I literally shouted..

"What alive manik huhh she is just a lifeless body and she isn't responding to any treatment and I don't want you to ruin your life for her" mom answered while my palm curled into fist..

"Neonika what are you saying are you out of your mind you know na that manik loves nandini then how could you say that" dad shouted on mom..

"Ooh comeon raj manik is my son also and I am doing this only for him" mom said

"Listen mom I don't want to marry naina or anyone and yes you don't need to think about my well being I am fine" I answered calmly trying not to sound harsh and then went to my bedroom..

"You go I am with her if I needed something then I'll call you" I said to nurse and she left..

I laid down beside her staring at her pale face my fingers caressed her hair I leaned closer to her pecking her forehead numerous times..

Neonika was trying every possible way to convince manik .
but he wasn't listening her..

"Neo aunty I know manik won't gonna marry me" naina showed her crocodile tears infront of neonika..

"Nahi baccha he will marry you now stop crying" said neonika wiping her tears..

"No aunty he will not but there is only chance you have to help me in this"said naina and neonika stared at her being curious..

"I can do anything for you baccha tell me" said neonika politely caressing her hair while naina said her plan to neonika and smirked..

"Doctor how's she" asked manik as doctor checked nandini. her parents and his parents were also present there..

"She isn't responding to any of our treatment" doctor replied and manik's face fell..

"Doctor please don't say like that it's been 6months she is lying like this" said Ram helplessly..

"We can't do anything Mr Murthy just pray for her" said doctor and left..

One week pass like this manik everyday talked with nandini hoping she would reply him but his hope crashed down every second..

One fine day manik came from office and saw doctor in neonika's room and also naina sitting beside neonika..

"Mom what happened kya hua apko" manik asked impatiently without even glancing at naina..

"I am fine" she replied with a pale expression...

"No mom you aren't kya hua ap bataye mujhe" said manik holding her hands kneeling infront of her..

"Nothing baccha" replied neonika and closed her eyes..

"Let her take rest you come with me we need to talk" said the doctor manik sighed and went outside the room with her..

"Yeah doctor say"asked manik..

"Manik neonika is my friend so i am saying everything to you her health condition isn't good.. she is taking too much tensions these days.. try to make her happy or she may lose her life" said doctor..

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