part 51

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"I want to meet you at evening"

Nandini squealed then jumped when she read the message.. The smile wasn't leaving her face.. She wasn't able to believe that Manik sent her the message like that. She didn't know what happen to him all off a sudden that she sent a message to him..

To Manik♥️
In our penthouse?

She finally replied to him after reading his message uncountable times..

From Manik♥️
It's yours not ours

She frowned reading the message then chucked it not wanting to argue with him in this topic..

To Manik♥️
Yes in my penthouse! Do you want to meet me there?

From Manik ♥️
Sure I will be there by 7

She squealed like a teenager reading his reply..

Nandini's pov..

Ok Nandini control stop behaving like a teenager! It's normal he just wanted to meet with you that's it!

What he want to talk about?

Was he ready to give our relationship a chance?

What if he--- ughh Nandini don't ruin it think positive..

Walking out of the car I spotted Manik standing there leaning against his car.. "Hey" I approached him taking long strides.. "Where is Ayan?" I questioned trying to peek inside the car..

"He is with Aryaman and Naina" ohh they didn't even tell me about..I nodded my head "Shall we?"

"Sure" He uttered and we walked inside the penthouse building and then to the elevator..

Pressing the button my eyes scanned him from head to toe he was wearing white shirt with two buttons opened teaming up with ice blue jeans.  His hair was bit messy as the strands fell on his forhead..

"Stop staring at me like that" I heard him saying.. "Like what?" I leaned closer to him and he took a stepped back.. "We reached" He walked out in haste making me smile..

Opening the door we walked in and the memories of us flashed infront of my eyes again.. This used to be our happy place.. It was same like before nothing changed and I was visiting here after a month..

"Now tell me why did you call me here?" I asked and he stared at me the look in his eyes were unreadable..

"Nandini" he stepped closer to me his hand holding mine and my breathed hitched at it.. "Sit here" He made me sat on their couch and knelt infront of me our fingers entwined..

"Why are you doing this?" He asked staring up at me "I am not doing anything Manik it's you who is holding my hand now" I answered making him shook his head..

"I am not talking about this" he breathed out "Nandini please try to understand I am toxic for you I am way too broken we can't be together" and he uttered the same words again and I felt the uneasy feeling started consuming me..

"Manik I will be there for you and this time forever I will heal you we will be together" I comforted my palms raised up to cup his stubbled cheek..

"Please Manik" I whispered out "we both did enough blunders now not anymore" and my traitor tears made it's way..

"Do you love Ayan?" He asked curtly.."I don't want to lie Manik! Yes it's true I don't love him but I will eventually start loving him I will be good mother for him if you stay with me" I sobbed saying everything honestly..

"You don't love him" he stated.. "I don't hate him either" I argued..

"You will not be able to love him like our own child" now I had nothing to say now..

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