part 18

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And I am back with an update 😪😪

Okay yesterday my sister was using my watty account and she deleted one comment there was an old reader who commented about twist of this story.. Guys I told you before please don't comment about the scenes and I am glad that my sister deleted it *idk who commented* and if my old readers finding it boring then please leave it rather than commenting because I am not going to change the plot 😪😪

Naina's pov..

He slapped me. He slapped me just because of that bitch.. you'll gonna pay for this nandini you fucking gonna pay for this..

Manik was sitting in his room.. holding his head just then nandini enters..

"What happened patidev" she asked walking towards him..

"Huhhh nothing"he replied staring at her with frown.. she grin and sat on his lap..

"Then why are you sitting with a frown"she asked tracing her fingers on his neck..

"Nothing nandini" he said looking at her she was indeed looking so beautiful today..His hand rose as he tucked her hair strands behind her ear she smiled as leaned closer to him cupping his nape..

Just then someone knocks the door she groaned in frustration and asked "who's there"

"Dinner is ready everyone is calling you both downstairs" replied the butler from outside..and left..

"Chaliye patidev we will continue this later" she said and pecked his lips and both went downstairs.


After dinner nandini changed herself in indian wear.. and turned to leave when manik asked "where are you going"

"Well I am not in a mood to answer your question but yeah I don't think it's your concern wherever I go" she replied..

"Nandini are you ready" a voice came from outside..

"Yess aruuu I am ready" replied nandini from inside... while manik's blood started boiling seeing aryaman..

"I am also coming" said manik..

"What manik you" nandini asked and he nodded agreeing..

"You sure you want to come"asked nandini and he nodded...

They sat in the car.. and left somewhere... it's village area and it's pretty dark because it was night..

She stopped the car infront of small house...we can see the condition of the house wasn't good..

They stepped inside to found a family of 6people..two babies theirs grandparents and parents..

"Arre Nandini beta you here at this time" asked old lady in rajasthani language..

"How are you daadi" she asked sitting beside her on the ground.. without caring about her status.. while Manik and Aryaman stand in the corner of the room..

"I am fine baccha how are you" she asked caressing her hair..

"I am also fine"she replied smiling..

"When did you come back from mumbai" asked another lady..

"Just today morning" she replied

"You people forgot me" said aryaman sitting beside them..

"Nahi nahi Arya tu kitna baada hogaya" said the old lady..

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