part 27

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Walking inside our bedroom I didn't find manik there oh yeah he must be in the washroom..I sat down on the bed leaning my head back damnn I strictly need to follow the diet because this weakness was getting on my nerves..

I heard the opening sound of door and my eyes shot up at the direction.. he strode towards me and sat beside me holding my hand "nandini i--" I cut him off "I don't want to talk manik" I closed my eyes..

"Nandini please"

"Leave me alone" I said my eyes were closed..

"Nandini we--" he tried again.."I said I don't want to talk manik fucking leave me alone" this time I shouted and next moment I started breathing heavily..

"Shit I am so sorry it's ok we won't talk please breath" he panicked rubbing my back it's took me a minute to calm my breath..

"Drink this" he forward me glass of water.. I drank it then closed my eyes leaning my head back again..

We had our lunch in the room only..

"You don't need to show your fake concern" I said rudely he didn't answer and pass me the pill and glass of water..

I gulped down the pill with a glass of water and there was another pill ughh I so hate it but I have to have it if I wanted to become fit and fine like before..

"Now you sleep for sometime I am here only" he said and was about to kiss my forhead but I moved back glaring at him..

"I told you not to touch me" I was angry on him and I don't know why..

He smiled at me but the smile didn't reach his eyes there was sadness and some emotions which I didn't want to decipher..

He closed the curtains and I laid down pulling the duvet over me.. my eyes wandered on him as he sat on the couch opposite to bed and wore his glasses and started doing something on his laptop..

At dinner..

"Awww sasumom you are so kind that you made my favourite butter paneer and jeera rice" I said passing her the flying kiss..

"I hope it doesn't have poison" I said with worried face..

"What are you are saying nandini huh are you out of your mind or what" she shouted and I made a baby face..

"Dad this sasumom is bad change the sasumom" I demanded to dad and he laughed out loud..

"I so wish" he sighed loudly while sasumom's face was worth watching..

My eyes travelled to manik he was sitting opposite to me playing with his food.."dear patidev where are you lost huh? Stop playing with your food and have it" I said and his eyes gaped at my face..

"Sasumom Thank you for cooking my favorite food but I am not going to have it because it's very oily and spicy and doctor told me to follow strict diet as I am still not fine yet" I said and her eyes shot daggers at me..

I love to annoy her damnnn.

"Ramu kaka please send my dinner which I told you to cook for me" I shouted and in a second he served me dinner...

"Sasumom why are you standing like a statue come on sit down and have your dinner" I said and she sat down I knew she was cursing me in her mind and I was freaking liking all her expression..

He unlocked the door of his penthouse while she was huffing in anger..

"I am coming in a min Stand here don't you dare to walk in" he said

"What the fuck you want?" She shouted angrily..

"Don't raise your voice on me wifey!! And we aren't alone living in this building so behave I don't want you to create a scene" he warned her and went inside..

He came out after 5 minutes while she was confused.."well my mom dad are in USA but I know about this ritual so yeah I can do this much for you after all you are my wife" his sentence was like he was mocking her..

He put the kalash down infront of her feet which has rice and the plate of red food colouring solution..

"Now kicked this kalash and put your feet on his solution and walked in" he said to her while she rolled her eyes..

"I won't gonna do this" she shouted and about to stepped in without doing the ritual but before that he caught her arm..

"Don't show your tantrums on me wifey this is not your dad's house and you aren't princess here" he said dangerously and for a second she got scared..

"Now do as I said" he shouted making her flinched..

Muttering some curses she kicked the kalash and then put her feet on the red coloured form then stepped in..

"That's like a good wifey" saying he locked the door and strode towards her..

"Chalo I'll take you to our bedroom I know you are tired and I would love to make you more after all it's our wedding night" he said winking at her..

She lost her calm and shouted grabbing his collar "why did you do this to me huh? Why? You know I love manik then why did you married to me ohh yeah wait it's just because of that Bitch nandini damnn why can't she just die"

"Very bad wifey here you are with your husband and you are talking about another man and that too your sister's husband eww cheee you so bad" he said making faces and she groaned in frustration..

"Cut the crap aryaman stop annoying me" she shouted and next second gasped as he pulled her close by clutching her waist tightly..

"I told you na that not to raise your voice on me and one more thing don't you dare so say bad words about my bestfriend because she matters more for me" he shouted and started dragging her to the bedroom..

"Yeah right nandini is the centre of attraction for everyone no one ever cared about my feeling" he didn't answer and dragged her in..

He opened the cupboard and took out a shirt and trouser and threw on her..

"Well your mom and dad hasn't send your dress yet so go freshenup and wear this" he said and creeped little closer to her towering over her "and yeah you can sleep on the couch don't you dare to touch my bed" and he left the room leaving her flabbergasted..

Okay how's the update?

Damnn I soo love nandini and the way she annoys her sasumom..

I love Aryaman and Nandini's friendship more than Manik and Nandini's friendship.. I mean damnn arya is sooo accha😍👀💕

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