part 15

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Okay hiii guys finally the update is here but it is a short one as I didn't get much time to write..

Next Chapter will be up tonight if I get more than 200 votes and 80 comments.

Nan's pov..

After office I went to Murthy Mansion to meet mom and dad.. I get to know that dad was Ill and today he didn't even come to office..

I rang the doorbell waiting for someone to open the door..

"Hiii doll" I was rewarded by mom's loud squeal..

"Mom" I hugged her and she too hugged me back..

"How are you mom" I asked breaking the hug..

"First come inside" she said and we walked inside..

"Where is dad? I get a know that he is sick" I asked and mom passed me a glass of water..

"He is fine doll he is in his room just a little bit fever" I nodded after gulping the water..

"Woahh Mrs Malhotra whatta surprise!!" I turned hearing the voice it was dad as he came to me after descending the stairs..

"It's Princess for you" I corrected hugging him and he laughed so as mom..

"Dad you fine?" I asked..

"I am fine princess" he said breaking the hug..

We settled on the couch while mom went to kitchen..

"How are you baccha? Is everything fine?" Dad asked as they both sat on the couch..

"Yess dad everything is fine I just came to meet you and mom" I answer smiling dad nodded..

"I am coming in a min" I said and went to o kitchen..

"Mom where is naina" I asked mom and opened the fridge trying to find something to eat and luckily I found pastries..

"Room me hi hogi because today she is on leave" mom answered I nodded and sat on the kitchen counter and started having the pastry..

"Nandini baccha everything is fine right? Are you happy with him?" I looked up hearing mom and passed her my grin..

"Yesss yess mom everything is fine and I am happy" I said happily making her smile..

"Mom woh I want coffee" it was naina as she stepped inside the kitchen

"Hii naina" I wished and she rolled her eyes..

"I don't have time for bitches like you" she replied coldly..

"Mind your tongue naina I am your sister" I said

"Huhh sister that sister who snatched my love" she said..

"You are talking about my husband naina" I shouted this time..

"Naina nandini shut up and stop fighting" mom scolded both of us .

"You know what nandini I'll make your life hell just wait and watch" saying this she went outside the kitchen..


I messaged manik telling him to pick me from Murthy Mansion as dad mom wanted to meet him..

"Nandini is manik coming?" Dad asked as I sat beside him..

"Yeah dad he is coming" I replied and he nodded..

After sometime bell rang I got up and went to opened the door it was my Husband..

"I missed you" I pecked his cheek.. while he was dumbstruck by my so sweet wife wali behaviour.. but there was person who was burning and it was naina I can say it by just looking at her face..

You have to understand twinnie that he couldn't be yours..

"Hiii uncle hii aunty" he wished sat on the couch..

"How are you manik" dad asked..

"I am fine uncle" he replied..

"Call me dad" he nodded..

"How are you manik" from nowhere naina jumped into their conversation..

"He is fine naina" before manik could answer I replied on his behalf..

"Manik we are going to nandini's grandfather's village there is one marriage and you and nandini is also invited even your parents" dad said to him and my lips broke into big grin..

"Omg daadu ke ghar" I squealed being all excited.. Dad nodded smiling..

"Manik are you coming"asked nandini..and he nodded.

"When are we leaving dad" I asked as I was over excited

"Day after tomorrow" dad replied


After dinner manan came back to Malhotra Mansion and straightly went to their bedroom..

Manik was standing in the balcony gazing at the stars just then nandini came and back hugged him.

He turned to see his dominating wife was standing there in shorts..

She held his hand and placed it her waist and she kissed his jaw..

"Nandini woh--" she placed her

"Ssshhhhh it's been so long" and she kissed his neck and opened his t-shirt..

She pushed him on the bed and in a blink she was on him her lips on his as they both kissed each other hungrily..His hands were busy caressing her back while she was no less her hands fisted her hair as they were fighting for dominance

Breaking the kiss her lips brushed on his neck as she placed few kisses there "manik give me your hand" she said in whispering tone kissing his hear..

He was in daze as he didn't get to know that she already handcuffed his hands with bedpost..

"What the fuck Nandini?" He groaned while she passed him her sexy smile..

"Ssshhh kuch mat bolo" and locked her lips with his..

He changed the position hovering over her making her gasped for a second..Her expression changed as she smirked encircling her hands around his neck,he breathed heavily so as she..

His hands were still cuffed with the bed post and it's been more than 1 hour she was teasing him and wasn't giving in the thing he wants..

"Uncuff my hands nandini" she just smirked at his word and then started kissing his jaw to his ear..

"I said uncuff my hands nandini" this time he shouted..

"Aww My sexually frustrated husband" she said as she giggled making him groan..

"Say please" she whispered..

"Fine please nandini" he said.. she smirked and finally did as he said..

In a blink he was on her as both drowned into their own pleasureable world..

Okay I know it was a short chapter 😪

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They are going to a trip and this trip will going to change their life.. old readers knew what happened in the trip 😭😭😭 please comment mein mat bolna..

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