part 9

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Finally next update is here do hit the star button and leave your precious comments..

You may found so many errors in this update as I didn't get a time to proofread it..

"Hello boo opps sorry ex-bestie" said nandini and laughed evilly..

"How are you patidev hope you are fine finally like finally I can say infront of the world that are you mine only mine" she said happily..

"Why nandini " he whispered

"Ooo shut up it was you it was you who started everything it was you who tried to destroyed me ... What I did? What was my mistake huh? Should I remind you what you did with me 5 years ago" she shouted while he was just looking at the ground.

"I was your personal teddy bear right but your personal teddy bear that fatty chubby Bubbly nandini murthy died 5years ago and you are the murderer you killed my soul but you know what i am not that weak .. you think that i am weak but you are highly Mistaken Manik Malhotra i am not weak .. Nandini Murthy oopss sorry from today it's Nandini Manik Malhotra is not weak get that straight in your not so working mind" she shouted her eye were red but there is not a drop of tear..

"I am not your slut or whore for a night that you'll forget me after fucking you are mine wife" she said and started walking towards him..

"What happen why are you looking at the ground huh? Look up your wife is standing infront of you.. I am 100% sure naina will going to hate you if she get to know about you"

"But you know what I can't hate you I just can't .. I love you to the extent that I can't hate you but I hated the fact that I love you .. I loved a wrong person and that wrong person is you " she shouted jerking her towards him by clutching his collars and then left him with a jerk...


She came out of the restroom after changing into night robe and found him sitting on the bed..

When he saw her he got up and about to walked inside the restroom to change when she stopped him by holding his wrist..

"Where are you going?" She asked creeping close to him..

"If I asked something then you should answer" she said dangerously leaning close to him..

"I am going to change" he said without looking at her..

"I can do that on your behalf baby" she whispered and unbuttoned the first button..

"So now you are mine I have few rules which you have to follow" she said and he looked at her..

"You will do everything as I say"

"You have to obey me everytime"

"You will cook breakfast and dinner for me"

"You won't say no"

"You have to behave like a ideal husband infront of everyone thou you aren't"

"If I saw you with any other girl then you" she chuckled..

"Now this room is mine you are mine the every inch of you is mine and you have to do everything like everything I say"

She was literally behaving like a psycho..

"Now let's continue" she whispered and unbuttoned his sherwani scratching the material from his baby..

She firmly placed her lips on his he was too shocked and numb to react.. he stood still on his place..."response Mr Malhotra" she whispered in between the kiss still he didn't.. groaned she held his hand and placed it on her waist and bit his lips hardly ..she felt him taking a deep breath in between the kiss and next moment he started responding sucking her lower lip hardly.. he moved forward she moved back and then both fell on the bed..

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