part 17

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This chapter is dedicated to my sistarrrrrrr shehnaz250 I fulfilled your wish of writing the flashback now please send chocolates door is open you just need to cross the road and come to my place.. Come fast 😌😏😆😚

"So aruu you here all of a sudden" asked nandini sitting beside him in his room

"Ahaa I got the invitation dude that's why I am here" he replied..

"Waise nandini your husband was burning in jealousy" he said and she laughed..

"Hahhaha that is what I want" she winked at him..

"Am I missing something" a voice came from the door..

"Arre sasurjii oops dad" and raj slapped her head slightly..

"Such a drama queen you are nandini" laughed raj as he sat beside them..

"What to do dad your son made me drama queen" she said dramatically and Arya and raj laughed..

"Leave all this.. but thanks dad you are the best.."said nandini and raj side hugged her..

"You aren't my daughter in law you are my daughter" he said and patted her head and she smiled wholeheartedly...

Here in Manan's room..

Manik was using his phone silently using through his instagram just then one pic caught his attention it was an archive from his college a picture of his and nandni which they clicked on the girl's washroom..

He chuckled reminiscing those days..


He was looking here and there trying to find his bestfriend but she was nowhere to be seen...

He took out his phone to dialled her number but before that his phone beeped with a message..

From Nandi🐻
Emergency aunt floo attacked..

He was confused reading her message..

To Nandi 🐻
What is aunt floo?

From Nandi 🐻
Ughh asshole arrange some sanitary pads..

Reading the message he get to know that she was in deep shit..

To Nandi 🐻
Okay listen I have idea you just sit on the toilet and get most out of it then it will be fine

As soon Nandini read the message only one thought came in her mind.. men's are so fucking dumb and that time she just wanted to kill Manik Malhotra for giving her such a worst idea..she typed a message and send it to him and waited for his reply..

From Nandi 🐻
Manik I soo wanted to kill you right now.. you just gave me the lamest idea ever.. you mens are so fucking dumb 😭😭

He was about to reply but before that she messaged again..

From Nandi 🐻
Just help me out Manik arrange tampons for me otherwise I will break our friendship.. DOSTI WALI TALAK (DIVORCE) DEDENA HAI TUJHE

To Nandi 🐻
Now what is tampons? 😶😯

From Nandi 🐻
Urghhh nothing just arrange some pads..

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