part 5

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Next update will be up by night or evening if I get 170 votes in this one..

After two days .

Malhotra Mansion..

"Manik today we are going for your wedding shopping" said neonika ..

"Ok" he just replied in a not so interested tone and stuff more aloo paratha in his mouth..

"What ok you are going with us even naina is coming" said neonika

"Mom i can't i have important meeting"he replied

"Complete your meeting before lunch and then come to xyz mall" she said

"Ok mom" he said sighing in defeat


Naina, nandini, Ishita, neonika all went to shopping ...

After sometime Manik also joined them..

"Manik try these sherwani" said manik's mother to which he nodded and went to trial room..

Manik was about to open the trial room door but before that someone open the door from inside pulled him inside..and pinned him to the wall..

"Hello manik"

"What the hell nandini pagal hogayii ho"he whisper yelled on her

"Why you didn't pick my call yesterday huh" she asked tracing her fingers on his neck..he didn't answer so she continued "were you busy fucking naina huh?

"You are sick nandini"he stated angrily

"I am taking it as a compliment" she said and pressed her body more on him..

"Manik you really love naina right" she asked opening his blazer
"What if i said to her everything about us like everything from the beginning"

In a sec he pinned her to the wall and clamped her jaw tightly..

"Don't you fucking dare to do that nandini..what I did wirj you that you are behaving like with me" he asked

"Tumhi socho tumne kya kiya hai" she said and slammed her lips on his and started kissing him...

"Respond Manik Malhotra you aren't that sharif the way you are behaving" she said before capturing his lips again.. she kissed him passionately sucking his upper lips her hand moved up to his chest going back to his nape as she fisted her her..she smirked in between the kiss as she found him kissing her back..his hands clutched her waist tightly literally digging his nails.. she moaned as their kiss deepened and their tongue fight tasting each other.. she was sandwiched between him and wall his hard body pressed against hers giving her chills..

They broke the kiss only to slammed their lips again with more passion desires and lust for each other...

Just then they heard a knock making them broke the kiss..

"Manik I know you are inside please open the door and try this outfit" they heard naina's voice..

Nandini smirked looking at manik's horrified face..

Holding the hem of her top she opened it infront of him and wore the blouse of the lahenga..

"Manik you ok please open the door" naina said..

Nandini was about to open the door just then manik hold her hand.. "pagal hogayii ho? Why are you opening the door"

She jerked his hand and placed her finger on his lips "ssshhh just ssshh" she whispered and opened the door partially..

"Umm naina manik is not here" nandini said

"But manik stepped in this trial room only" she replied..

"Naina you see I am trying outfits here then how can manik be here with me huh.. he must be there in that trial room" nandini replied pointing towards other trial room..

"Ok but atleast let me in" naina said making nandini's eyes widened..

"Wait why did you want to stepped in? I am trying outfits" nandini said hastily..

"Arre I want to see your outfits na" she replied..

For a second nandini got scared but her saviour came at time..

Aryaman jumped from the another trial room and stepped in Nandini's trial room making manik's eyes widened..he told him not to utter a word with his expression..

"Naina yaar go to that trial room na I am here with my beautiful girlfriend" nandini's heard the voice and thanked her ayyiappa uncountable times..

"Gosh arya you here nandini you naughty girl" naina said and nandini smiled and turned towards aryaman and he winked at her..

"Okay guys you both enjoy I am going" she said and left..

Sighing in relief nandini locked the door.. "aru you are my true saviour I love you soo much Thank you for coming" she squealed and hugged him..

"Yeahhh I love you too but as a friend" he said and nandini broke the hug giggling..

"Aru now turn and close your eyes don't you dare to look here" he nodded and obeyed her..

She turned towards manik and leaned closer to him.."baby now you can leave because I know naina isn't there and one thing get that straight in your mind you are mine" she placed a kiss on the place where she cut few days back and left him..

She was sitting on her bed staring at the picture on her iPad

Nandini's pov..

I hate the fact that I love you Manik Malhotra.. I hate myself for loving a jerk like you but I can't help it.. you are mine only and I can do anything to get what belongs..I can kill anyone for you and even die for you but atlast you will be mine only mine Nandini's Manik..

Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me...

Who is calling me at this time? I took the phone from side table and my lips curved into a big smile..

"Hii bestfriend" I squealed as I picked the call..

"Hello bestfriend! How are you?" He asked from the other side..

"I am fine very fine.. when will you come to India I am missing you" I asked like a baby..

"I'll come very soon.. now tell how's he doing?" He asked and I smirked..

"He is totally in my control Mr Bestfriend now please come soon because dhamakas are yet to happen" I said and I heard him laughing..

"I'll come very soon now bye take care of yourself" he said and I smiled at his concern..

He is the best..

"You too and yeah don't forget your medicine" I said..

"Ok madame" I giggled and hung up the call..

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Who was Nandini's bestfriend.. it wasn't arya don't get confused..

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