part 4

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Next day naina and manik went to goa.. they got freshenup and went to beach to enjoy their own time..

They walked hand in hand enjoying..

They were making sandcastle..Just then naina spot something and her eyes widened "is that nandini?" Manik turned looking at the direction..

"Oh My God Nandini with a guy who's that?" She squealed seeing her but nandini didn't saw her..

"Leave them na naina" manik said as he don't want one more drama here..

"What leave manik let's go there na" she said dragging him with her..

She pat on her shoulder and nandini turned.."oh my God nandu you here" she squealed and nandini hugged her giving a wink at manik.. he rolled his eyes..

"Yeah I just came here to take a small break I don't know you both are also coming here" she replied and wore her sunglasses..

"Who was that guy with you nandu?" Naina asked..

Before nandini could reply they heard one more voice "it's me Aryaman Nandini's bestfriend"

"Arya you are also here" naina squealed and arya side hugged her..

"Arya meet my fiance Manik Malhotra" she introduced manik..

"Yeah I know him.." he said shaking hands with manik..

After sometime..

They were sitting waiting for their food to come as it's lunch time..

"Damn I can't believe that we are staying in the same hotel" nandini said excitedly thou she knew everything it was her plan only..

Their order arrived and they started eating with small talks.. Nandini looked at manik he was having his food silently tasting all the dishes he was a big time foodie and she knew it..

As she was sitting opposite to naina and manik so she stretched her leg placing her foot on his.. he choked on his food and started coughing..

"Drink this" she passed him water smirking..

He drank the water calming himself and she rubbed her foot with his making him feel uneasy..

"What happen manik why aren't you eating?" Naina asked..

"Nothing naina" he smiled forcefully..

At night manik's hotel room..

He was standing in balcony gazing at the stars just then naina came and back hugged him..

"What happened " asked manik and turned towards her..

"Nothing" she replied and hugged him tightly.. he also hugged her back..

Breaking the hug she held his hand and placed it on her waist and started roaming her fingers on his neck and jaw..

He closed his eyes and only her words rang in his ears"This all things are mine don't let anyone touch it I hate sharing my things and you know it right"

She started opening his shirt buttons and he hold her hand.. "nainaaa"

"Ssshhh don't spoil this" she said and open his shirt buttons and kissed his neck jaw and collarbone..

But only her words rang in his ears"This neck this jaw this collarbone are mine toh lick and bite"

She bit his collarbone to which he hissed.. she gave numerous wet kisses to soothe the pain

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