Chapter 18

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*Leo's POV*
As the limo pulled away from Lillie's house I couldn't stop wishing that what just happened wasn't real. I kept seeing the pain in her eyes as she covered the mark I had left. Why? Why did I hit her? I just couldn't figure out what overcame me.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when the driver told me we had arrived. I thanked him, and stepped out the limo. I watched him drive away and took a deep breath when he was out of sight. I didn't want to go inside, especially not after what I had just done. So I decided to stall time and go to the backyard.

I made my way through the side gate, and headed towards the bench that my dad and I had made. I sat down still pondering if I was really capable of what I had done. I couldn't even imagine how Lillie must be feeling right now. I wanted so badly to call and text her, but she made it clear she wanted me to leave her alone. Who could blame her, I did hit her after all.

I pulled out the pack of cigarettes I had in my pocket. I had been sober for the past 9 months, I just kept a pack in my pocket. I wanted so badly to stay sober, because the only reason I had stopped was for Lillie. She hated the smell, and the taste of smoke on my lips when we kissed.

Then I realized I probably had no chance of getting her back so why stick the promise I made. I pulled out the pack, took one and put in between my lips. I took out my lighter and hesitated for a moment, but I thought fuck it. I lit and sucked in the sweet smoke. When I exhaled I smiled to myself, I had missed this.

Yet the smile faded once I thought about how Lillie would feel about this. I tried to not think about her, and focus more on how calming it was to see the smoke escape my lips. Once I felt fulfilled I crushed it into the grass, and made my way inside.

As I neared the door I heard screaming. Not again, I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and prepared to handle whatever was going on. I opened the door softly, and shortly after I closed it I heard a crashing sound. I ran to where I heard the noise, and found myself in the kitchen.

In front of me I could see my mom leaning against a counter weakly with terror in her eyes. I followed her eyes and found my dad in a circle of broken glass, with a small bleeding cuts on his arms. It only took me a second to put everything together; my mom had thrown a bottle at him.

I didn't have much longer to think before I saw my dad start to make his way to my mom. I ran past him, and guarded my mom. They were both surprised my entrance, but the shock left my dads face very quickly. My mom squeezed my arm from behind and whispered, "Sweetie, you don't have to do this. Please just go upstairs".

Before I could reply to her my dad said, "Yeah listen to the weak bitch and go upstairs like the pussy you are". That's when I lost it. I turned to my mom, and whispered "When I step forward, run to my room, lock the door, and call 911".

I didn't give her time to object, within a second I had stepped forward and punched my dad square in the chin. I saw her bolt up the stairs in the corner of my eye, before my dad returned a hook to my eye.

"So you want to fucking fight?! You'll be sorry you didn't just go upstairs" he snarled at me before reaching for our knife drawer. I mentally prayed my mom had already called the cops, as I reached for the hot pan that was on the stove.

My dad ran towards me and I tried hitting the knife out of his hand. Which just resulted in him slightly skimming the knife against my arm. I bit down on my lip, refusing to show him any pain. I lunged at him, and succeeded at slightly burning his hand.

He yelled and dropped the knife. I didn't give time to react, I kicked the knife away and pushed him to the ground. He was about to get up, but I kicked him in the chest to keep him down.

He smirked and said, "Well look whose learned to fight a little. Looks like watching me hit that bitch taught you something".

I was about to punch him when I heard my mom shout from upstairs, "They're here". Sadly I got distracted, and my dad had managed to reach the knife. He shoved it into my side and I screamed bloody murder.

Everything started getting hazy. I saw my mom race down the stairs to open the door for the cops, and my dad trying to run out the back door. Before I blacked out my mom had ran to my side.

"Baby listen to me, stay with me okay. Its going to be okay, just please focus on me" she said with tears streaming down her bruised cheeks. The paramedics had started to put me on the carrier. My mom refused to let go of my hand as the fastened me in.

I didn't have the strength to say anything so I pointed to my pocket. She grabbed my phone out my pocket, then looked at me. I gave her a sad look, and she knew exactly who to call. The second before I closed my eyes I heard my mom weakly say, "Lillie? Hi it's Natalie, something's happened"

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