Chapter 29

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I woke up to the sound of someone crying and bright lights. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in a white room. I tried sitting up a bit to look around but I stopped when I felt a rush of pain. Why am I here?

I decided not try to move again instead I just titled my head so I could see what was near me. The first thing I realized was that I was in a hospital bed, and my right arm was in a cast. Well this is a great way to wake up. I looked to the right of me and saw that someone's stuff was on a chair that was placed right next to the bed.

Who's here? I tried listening to the people that I heard arguing outside my door. Their voices were pretty low, but I tried making them out. All I knew was that there was a women and a man arguing, but I had trouble knowing if I knew them.

"You can't go in there right now, the nurse already told us multiple times that we can't see her. She has some temporary memory loss so we can't bombard her by going in, and seeing if she remembers us", the woman said.

"I know what the nurse said but there can't be any harm of just going in while she's asleep. She won't see us, and you know she's a deep sleeper so she won't wake up", the man said pleadingly.

"Fine, you can go in for like 5 minutes. That's as long as I'll cover your ass for, but I swear if you wake her up and something happens-"

"Nothing will happen, I promise. Just give me 2 minutes", I head the man say and then I heard footsteps coming.

I closed my eyes and pretended be asleep as I heard the foot steps getting closer. I heard a chair move, then I felt the man hold on to my hand. I tried to stay as calm as possible as this stranger held my hand.

"Lillie, I know you are probably asleep but I just needed to sit here with you for a second. I know a lot has happened tonight, and I already talked to our managers about everything. We will be putting off the album release until you feel better", the man said softly.

Album release? Things were just getting more confusing. I remained still as the man began to talk again.

"You will probably be in here for a couple weeks, but I want you to know I will be here every day. I'm not leaving your side until I know you're better. I won't rush you into remembering me if you don't, but if you do remember me Lillie-", he stopped for a second and I could tell he was trying to stop himself from crying.

"If you do remember me, I love you Lillie. I love you so much and I know everything is going to be okay. I better leave before Sarah yells at me, but I hope you wake up soon", he said then I felt him kiss the back of my hand.

I waited until I could no longer hear his footsteps walking away before I opened my eyes again. I tried processing what I just heard. I was in a hospital, something bad had happened, this guy loved me, and this girl named Sarah was the women he was talking to.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when a women that I assumed to be my nurse came in.

"Oh good you're awake. How are you feeling sweetie?", she asked as placed a tray of food down next to me.

"Confused", I said softly. She looked up at me with a sad expression on her face. She didn't say anything, she just looked at me.

"Do you remember anything that happened sweetie? Do you know why you are here?", she asked hesitantly.

"Not really, I just know it's something bad because I'm in a hospital with my arm in a cast and my whole body hurts", I said not wanting to look up at her.

"Okay hun, I'm going to show you some pictures and I want you to tell me if you recognized any of these scenes or people", she said as she took out a stack of pictures from her pocket.

I just nodded yes in response. The first picture she pulled out was a picture of me on a stage. I was confused for a second but then it came to.

"That was the first performance I've ever done. It was my prom night", I said happily.

"Good job, now the next picture might be a little bit harder", she said slowly.

The next picture was a picture of me and some guy singing on a stage. His face looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to it.

"I think I know that guy but I can't remember his name", I said trying to hold back my tears. I don't know why I felt like crying but I did.

"It's okay sweetie, don't get upset. I'll show you a couple more pictures and then I'll ask some questions", she said showing me the next picture.

This picture was of me and this couple. There was a girl with red hair kissing a boy who I assumed to be her boyfriend, and I was standing next to them making a fake disgusted face. I couldn't help the laugh that came from my lips. It was a funny picture, but I stopped laughing when I remembered.

"Oh my god", I said covering my mouth. I remembered this girl, and I remembered the guy.

"Do you remember them?", the nurse asked.

"Yes- yes that's Sarah and Aaron. That's my best friend", I said crying. I couldn't stop the tears, I was so happy that I actually remembered something.

"Would you like to see her?", the nurse asked with a smile on her face. I nodded because I couldn't stop crying long enough to say yes.

The nurse left, and a few moments later Sarah walked in. She had bags under her eyes, she was wearing sweats and a hoodie that looked like Aaron's. I wonder where Aaron is?

"Lillie?", Sarah asked softly as she stared at me with tears in her eyes.

"I remember you", I said in between my cries.

She ran over to me and bursted out into tears. She sat down in the chair next to me, and squeezed my hand tightly.

"I was- you scared the shit out of me", she chuckled softly. "I thought- I thought you wouldn't remember me, but you do".

"I could never forget your ugly face", I managed to laugh as I tried to stop myself from crying. She hit my hand softly and laughed along with me.

"Do you remember Aaron?", she asked in a worried tone. I nodded and she smiled, then called his name.

He ran in with a worried look on his face, but it was quickly replaced with a smile when he saw that everything was okay. He walked over to the bed hesitantly and stuck his hand out to me. At first I thought he wanted me to shake his hand, but then I remember something.

"We can't do our hand shake with my arm in a cast dummy", I giggled.

"Now I know that you're back", he laughed and leaned in to kiss my forehead.

He pulled up a chair next to Sarah, and we talked for what seemed like 30 minutes. They helped me remember some things that happened recently. I remembered that I was in Boston because I was recording an album. I remembered that I had boyfriend but I couldn't remember who.

Sarah kept asking me if I remembered anyone named Donald or Leo, but I couldn't remember. I asked her why I was in the hospital but she said that the nurse told her not to tell me. Apparently I was supposed to just remember, but I knew that was going to be hard.

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