April 14, 2013

37 2 0

It started off like any other day of my boring life. I'm not going to act like this is some sappy love story where the day I met him was just so much brighter and better than the others. Because it wasn't. I woke up to same annoying sound of my alarm clock at 5:30 in the morning. I groaned and rolled over to the front of my bed to turn it off. But to my surprise I couldn't reach it. I looked up and groaned again realizing that my dad had pulled back my dresser like he said he would the night before, so I'd actually have to get up to turn my alarm off. He's one clever son of a bitch. I mumbled an "I hate you" to myself and got out of bed to turn it off. I opened the door and made my way towards the kitchen. As always he was there with a cup of water in his hand and a smile on his face. He was always too happy in the mornings in my opinion.

"Good morning baby", he said as he handed me the cup and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah yeah". I could already feel him glaring at me for brushing him off like that.

I put on the sweetest tone I could and said "Good morning dad". He just laughed and told me to get ready.

I chugged down the rest of the water and started making my way back to my room. I don't need bore you with my morning routine so let's just fast forward a bit. I walked out the house and made my way over to the bucket. The bucket is the thousand year old Nissan I'm forced to drive myself to school in, but hey it's better than walking or taking the bus. I got in and immediately turned up the radio, thankfully one of my favorite songs was playing, Sweatpants by Childish Gambino. I liked rap but I was more of an R&B and old school kind of girl. I turned it up the song up a bit more, put my hair up in a messy bun, and began to pull out my drive way. The drive to school was nothing special, it always took 15 minutes and I didn't pay much attention to anything but driving.

I pulled into my usual spot in the student parking lot, and turned the key so that my engine was off but my radio was still playing. I'm not one of those loner kids that just stayed in there car until school started. I had my group of friends, I just wasn't a morning person and preferred to not irritate to myself by being amongst the idiots and slow walkers that roam the halls in the mornings. I decided to finish up my Psych homework since I had time. Since freshman year I knew i wanted to major in Psychology, it was just so intriguing. So I was thrilled when I got into the AP Psychology class, I was probably the happiest person in that class.

As I was finishing up my last problem I jumped at the sound of a thud against the back of my car. I turned the music down and quickly turned to see what it was. I screamed when I saw a boys face so close to my window. He backed up and gestured for me to come out. Who the fuck does he think he is, I thought to myself. I opened my door and in an annoyed tone said "Did you need something?".

He looked at me with blushed cheeks, obviously embarrassed about this whole situation. "Yeah I just wanted to say I'm sorry for hitting your car with-", I stopped him half way.

"You did what to my car?!", I yelled as I made my way to the back of my car to check for any damage. Sure this was a shitty car, and I was saving up for a new car anyway but right now it was the only thing getting me from place to place so I needed it in good shape for another year.

He grabbed my wrist stopping me from checking. "If you'd have let me finish you'd know that there's no need to check for damage because I hit it with my soccer ball". My cheeks turned red as I looked down into his hands and just like he said, he was holding a soccer ball. Wow Lillie, I scolded myself, can you ever just listen. I looked back up to him and shyly smiled. "Sorry that I jumped to conclusions so fast, and yelled at you. I'm just not a morning person and although this car sucks it's still mine".

He smiled and I noticed how straight and white they were. "It's no problem, I'm the same way. Except I don't have a shitty car, i own that beauty over there", he said as he pointed to a sleek red Harley Davis parked a few spaces away from my wreck of a car.

I just stared at it in awe, I had always dreamed of learning to drive a motorcycle one day and maybe even buying one. But the dream went away with the person that wouldn't allow to even touch one, my mom.

She had a motorcycle herself but she'd always come in our other car to pick me up because she didn't want to put me in any danger; she was always so protective. Yet the one night I begged her not to go out riding after her and my dad fought, she went out anyways. And of course that same night a drunk idiot decided he was going to race home and before my mom even had the chance of moving out the way, he collided with her and she and the motorcycle were rammed straight into a wall. She didn't even make it half way to the hospital alive. I was 13 when it happened, and I just wasn't the same after that.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. The boy was staring at me with a worried look so I quickly put on a fake smile. "It's really nice, but I have to go. It was nice meeting you -"

"Leo, Leo King"

"Well Leo King, like I said it was nice meeting you", I turned to get my bag out my car and locked it. I was about to walk away when he called out to me.

"Hey! You didn't tell me your name"

I turned and smiled at him. "It's not important, I'm just a girl whose car you hit with your soccer ball". He looked surprised and I laughed and walked away.

"I'll see you later!", he shouted out to me.

"I doubt it", I said to myself as I put my earbuds in and walked to class.


I hoped you guys like it so far. I will try to update it every day or every other day since I have school. And just to give you guys some better imagery, Lillie looks like Jhéne Aiko and Leo looks like this boy named Jamie. I will describe both their appearances in the next chapter. And hopefully I'll be able to put up a picture of them, once I learn how to do that lol.

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