Chapter 16

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I just got out the shower when I heard a knock on the door. I didn't expect him to get here so early, well I guess technically late since it was 2 in the morning now. I wrapped a towel tightly around me and made my way downstairs. I opened the door to find him standing there with a giant bag in his hand. He was looking down at his shoes, I cleared my throat and when he looked up his eyes grew wide. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but closed it and smiled instead.

I started blushing and said, "Well are you coming to come in or I am going to stand here shivering?"

He stopped gaping at me and said, "Yeah sorry", and made his way through the door.

I closed the door and started walking towards my room. I looked back and saw that he hadn't moved, so I motioned for him to follow me. I made my way upstairs and stopped in front of my room door.

"Well you wait out here for a second because I need to put some clothes on. I'll let you know when to come in". I quickly entered my room and shut the door before he could say anything.

I decided on a pair of sweats and a white tank. I left my hair to dry out, even though I looked crazy I didn't care. When I decided I looked decent enough, I called for Leo to come in. When he opened the door he walked in very slowly, I assume he was taking in my room. He jumped a bit when my cats brushed past him to come inside too.

"I didn't know you had cats" he said with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah just these two fellas. We used to have a dog, but it was my moms..." I said slowly trailing off.

He nodded and made his way over to my bed. He pulled his backpack out of the giant bag he had, and then handed me the bag. I looked at him with a confused look in return.

"It's for you silly. Look inside" he said with a huge smile on his face.

I took the bag from him and opened it. As soon as I did my jaw dropped of how much was in it. I saw at least 3 boxes of shoes, a couple pairs of sweats, hoodies, something that looked like a wrapped poster, and a small box on top of it all. I looked up at him, not being able to believe that all of this was mine.

He smiled at me and said, "Come on babe, open everything. Oh, but leave the little box and the wrapped thing for last".

I nodded and took those two things out to put them to the side. It took a good 10 minutes to take the stuff out of the bag, react to it, say thank you, and repeat for the next gift. When I was finally down to the last two gifts, I saw him nod at me letting me know I could open them.

I decided to open the little box first, and when I did I let out a gasp. Inside was a beautiful silver necklace, with heart at the end of the chain. I looked closer and noticed "LRK" was engraved on the heart. I smiled to myself, remembering that those were his initials.

"I thought that would be a good way to tell you own my heart and always will" he said smiling down at the floor.

"Leo, I love it so much. Thank you baby. I can't even-"

"Open the last gift, the suspense is killing me" he said excitedly.

I laughed and closed the box, then proceeded to reach for the wrapped gift. I was careful of unwrapping it, and while I did I saw it was some kind of picture. When I got all the wrapping off, I was left staring down at the most beautiful drawing I've ever seen. It was me, he had drawn me, and I was absolutely speechless.

"Not a lot people know I draw and even less have seen my work, but I needed you to see and have that one. I drew it the day after I met you, because I couldn't stop picturing your beautiful face so-"

Before he could finish I had placed the drawing down, ran over to him, and kissed him hard on the lips. He responded by wrapping his arms around my waist and deepening the kiss. We pulled away, and rested our foreheads against each other.

"That was the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me Leo. I can't even express how happy I am right now. I'm surprised I'm even putting sentences together properly right now. I-", he interrupted me by softly cupping my face and kissing me again.

"You were rambling on so I had to make you shut up in a nice way" he said laughing.

I hit him lightly on the arm and laughed too. He pulled me close and his face became very serious.

"Lillie Evelyn Aiko, I am crazy about you. I know I barely met you a couple days ago, and I still have so much to learn. And I'm willing to do that and more if you say yes to me. Will you be my girlfriend?" he smiling down at me.

I walked away to go look at my calendar, to check what day it was. Leo stood there looking confused, as I walked back to him. I laughed and said, "I had to make sure it was an even day or I'd tell you to ask me tomorrow".

He broke out laughing, I swear he didn't stop for a good 2 minutes. When he finally caught his breath he said, "Are you serious? Well I guess I got lucky since its April 16, 2013. I'm sorry that I couldn't wait for an even year" he said laughing.

I smiled and said, "It's okay, this will have to do. So yes, Leonardo Reed King, I will be your girlfriend".

He smiled down at me, and pulled me in for a big hug. In the moment I swear I couldn't have been happier, and I knew it would only get better from here. Oh how I didn't know how wrong I was going to be.

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