Chapter 12

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These next few chapters will be short just because I want to update more often and it's hard to do that with long chapters. But after a few short chapters I will have a long, and suspenseful chapter to make up for the short ones. Now here's the next chapter !
I had just told the one boy that terrified, yet intrigued me the most that I was now his. After I sent the message I put my phone down a couple inches away, and got up to get some food. I was trying not to fall over myself since all the alcohol I'd had kicked in and I was now very drunk. I knew I probably shouldn't eat anything because I wouldn't hold it down for long but at the moment, I really didn't give a fuck.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet filled with snacks. I scanned over the large amount of junk food we had and realized I didn't really want anymore trash in my stomach. I made my way over to the fridge and pulled out a fruit salad, then poured myself some water and walked back to the living room.

Once I sat down I felt my phone buzz so I reached over to get it. I already knew it was Leo since it was now 3 in the morning and I wasn't texting anyone else.

From: Leo King
Are you sure about this? I really want you to be mine, Im pretty sure I've made that clear but I don't want you to feel pressured. I mean you obviously have a lot going on and I don't want to add to it. I can always just support you as a friend even when I want to be something more to you

God this boy would be the death of me. How he just know the perfect things to say? It's like he knew what I needed to hear so he said it. I pulled away from my thoughts and replied.

To: Leo King
You don't have to worry about me rushing into this because I know this what I want, actually what I need. I need someone strong and stable like you in my life. You've been fighting and pushing to make me yours and now I'm accepting. I don't care that I might have a lot going on, I need someone to pull me away from that

I pressed send and put my phone down to start eating my fruit. I made it to a couple bites before I felt my phone vibrate beside me again.

From: Leo King
I care about you, even if you don't care about yourself. I will always care so much and worry just as much but that's because I love you. I obviously don't expect to say that back anytime soon but I just want you to know I do. I will officially make you mine in a special way soon so I hope you're ready. I'll let you get some rest now, goodnight princess!

I smiled to myself realizing I would soon have this adorable dork as my boyfriend, and I couldn't be happier about it.

To: Leo King
Whatever you say, just please nothing too big. Goodnight Leo, see you Monday :)

I locked my phone and put it on the coffee table in front of me. I quickly finished my water and fruit salad then headed back upstairs. I opened my door to find Sarah still soundly asleep underneath all the blankets. I turned off the tv and slid into the bed next to her. She shifted and moved closer to me so I started playing with her hair to get her to go back to sleep.

"Why were you gone for so long? I woke up like 2 hours ago and you weren't in here" she said with her eyes still closed.

"I was downstairs talking to my brother. You know the time difference over there so I just left him a message"

"Oh okay, well get some sleep you bum" she said as she rolled over so that her back was facing me. I laughed and turned over as well.

I stared at the clock reading 3:45 AM and just smiled to myself. I had just spent hours telling the most intimidating boy I know the most personally part about me. And for some reason I was calm about the whole thing. Maybe being his wouldn't be so bad, I needed to start opening up to someone in a new way. I was now Leo King's girl, and I was so ready to figure out what this boy had to offer me.

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