Chapter Ten

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The bell rang and I made my way down the overly crowded halls. I got to my locker and when I opened it I found several slips of paper inside. I'm pretty sure you can guess who they were from. There was at least 10 so I just shoved them all into my bag, got my book out, and closed my locker.

I turned around and bumped into something. I jumped back scared because I didn't think anyone was behind me, and I see its Leo. I sigh and hit his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" he asked while pouting at me.

"For scaring me you little fuck! Please just tell me you're behind me, don't be a creeper and just stand there" I said with an irritated tone.

He put his hands up and said, "Okay, okay I'm sorry princess. It won't happen again, I promise". He leaned down and softly pecked my lips.

I smiled and said," It better not happen again because I'll hit you harder next time in a place where it will really hurt". He winced and I laughed as I pushed past him.

We walked together to the parking lot and made our way to our cars. He always gets here earlier now to park in the spot next to mine, so we might as well walk together. I was unlocking my door when I felt his arms around my waist. I tried to hide my smile and continued to open the door when I felt his lips against my neck. I felt chills go down my spine as he whispered, "Were you planning on leaving me without saying goodbye darling?".

I turned to face him and I realized that was probably a bad idea when he pushed me against the car door. I just found myself staring into his eyes while trying so hard to control my breathing. He leaned in and I swear I felt my legs turn into jello or something. He held me tighter as our lips moved together perfectly, I'm glad he was holding me because my legs felt too weak for me to stand on my own. He pulled away and began kissing my neck, which happens to be my weak spot.

"Leo please-" I tried whimpering but I was interrupted by his lips crashing back onto mine.

Was this really happening? It's been years since I've gotten any action, but even though I was so sexually frustrated I knew we couldn't continue. Especially not in the student parking lot against my car.

I tried pulling away but he just came back with full force. "Leo come on, we aren't even a couple. Please stop, I really don't want to do this here".

His grip on my waist tightened and he just continued to kiss my neck. Is he really fucking ignoring me right now?

"Leo I'm serious stop", I said as I tried physical pushing him off of me. Yet he wouldn't budge, and I think it hit me that he wasn't going to stop. That's when I knew what was going to happen.

I tried pushing even harder but he just grabbed my arms and pinned them down to my sides. "Leo! I'm not fucking kidding stop-", he kissed me forcefully to stop me from talking.

"Shh princess just let it happen" he whispered into my ear as he continued to kiss down my neck.

I felt my breathing get really shallow and I felt myself begin to shake. It was coming, and I knew it. I was supposed to take Sarah and I was just hoping she would show up soon. I kept trying to wiggle out of his grasp but he wouldn't budge.

Soon the tears were spilling down my cheeks and I couldn't breathe at all. So I did the only thing I could think of, I kicked him. He groaned in pain and backed away from me, holding onto his crotch. When he looked up I knew he was going to be furious but I honestly didn't give a fuck.

"Fucking shit! What the fuck Lillie-" he stopped screaming and the anger in his eyes changed. He looked more worried now because he finally realized I was crying this whole time.

"Hey, hey it's okay. What's going on? Are you o-"

"No! I'm not fucking OKAY!" I snapped at him. He winced back at my tone and tried to reach out to me but I just moved closer to my car.

"Don't- Just don't touch me. Just get on your fucking motorcycle and go away please", I was trying so hard to hold back my tears. It's okay, just breathe Lillie. Don't panic, Sarah will show up soon and it'll be okay.

"Lillie please just tell me what happened. I know it's something I did just-"

"Leo just stop okay. This isn't going to work, stop trying please. We are only hurting each other, and that's all we will ever do. That's what I'm good at, getting hurt or hurting others, and it sucks. But you know what, I've learned to deal with it, and you'll learn to get over me. You barely even know me so it won't be too hard; you'll find someone who's hotter and more stable than I am. Just let it go". My words were broken because as I started I felt the anxiety take over me, but I had to continue. So I said all that through my sobs and I hoped to God he would just listen to me and actually leave.

Finally through my blurry vision I saw someone rushing towards Leo and I. I didn't have to see her to know it was Sarah because she walked straight up to me. She pulled me into her arms and just kept rubbing my back. "Shh shh calm down, it's going to be okay. Let's get you into the car okay?" she said already moving me to the other side of the car.

I just nodded and let her open the passenger side for me as I got in. She bent down to put my stuff in and then closed the door. I watched her walk back around to the other side of the car where Leo was still standing.

"What the fuck did you do to my friend ?" I heard her shout at him. I rarely ever saw Sarah get mad, but when she did you just had to back away and let her get it out.

"I don't know what I did okay, she won't tell me. Plus I don't know who the fuck you are so why are you screaming at me!?". Even though I wasn't looking at them I could just tell Leo probably looked hurt and upset at the same time. I planned on explaining to him why I freaked out but I just couldn't at the moment.

"I'm her only friend okay so I have the right to yell at you, you fucking shit! I never want to see you near her again, you understand me asshole?!"

After that I didn't hear anything but the sound of Leo's motorcycle starting and him speeding away. Sarah got into the car and sighed then looked over to me. She reached out to hold my hand and the way she looked at me I just felt so guilty for making her go through that.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid and I shouldn't have even gotten into that situation. Now I've brought you into it and I'm- I'm such a shit friend" I whimpered as I tried not to look at her.

"Hey it's okay, it's my job to come into these situations and drive the assholes away" she said smiling at me. I just nodded and squeezed her hand.

"I panicked Sarah. He was kissing me and we were so close, I just- I stopped breathing. I couldn't handle it, and it's not his fault-"

"He doesn't know huh?" she asked interrupting me.

"No, he doesn't. We just met, I didn't think I would have to tell him yet" I said keeping my head down.

"Well it's okay sweetie, I just need you to be okay. Now let's get you home". She began to pull out the parking lot and all I could do was look out the window.

I knew I was going to have to explain it all to him but just remembering it all made me feel sick. I had to get myself together, and quick because he deserves to know why I panicked. I just hope he's ready for it.

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