Chapter 30

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It had taken me 2 weeks in the hospital to remember everything. I remembered Leo, Donald, and the reason that I ended up in the hospital. I remembered Leo first.

Flashbacks came to me one night and I woke up panicking. The nurse came running in because my heart monitor went off. She called Sarah right away because Sarah had told her to call if anything happened, especially a panic attack.

When she got there it took about 10 minutes to calm me down and then she stayed to talk to me about what I remembered. She confirmed all the terrible things I remembered, and I started panicking again.

When I remembered Donald it was much worse. I woke up in tears from a dream about him, but I was crying because it made me so angry that I didn't remember him. The nurse got a hold of Sarah and they decided it was time to let Donald see me.

After about an hour of waiting I heard a tap on the door and I told the person to come in. He walked in slowly, watching me watch him. He pulled up a chair next to the bed to sit down, and the whole time he said nothing. After a few more seconds of awkward silence he decided to say something first.

He didn't look up at me but I heard him say something really softly.

"I can't hear you", I said waiting for him to look at me.

"Sorry, I said how are you feeling", he said finally looking up at me. I felt my heart break a bit when I saw the pain he was trying to hide in his eyes. I didn't know what was hurting but I knew it had to be me.

"I'm doing okay, but you don't seem too good", I said softly.

"No, no I'm fine. I just- I don't know what to say", he said looking away from me.

"Was it you", I whispered.

"Was what me?", he looked at me confusingly.

"Did you come in last week? Were you the one that said you loved me?", I asked.

"I thought you were asleep, but yes that was me. I'm sorry", he said looking down at his hands.

"Why are you sorry?", I said reaching my hand out to him.

"You weren't supposed to hear me, I didn't want to put you in a weird position where you don't remember who I am but I-"

"Donald it's okay", I didn't realize that I had said his name.

"No Lillie it's not- wait did you just say my name?", he said looking up at me again.

I looked back at him and suddenly the look in his eyes made me remember him. I remembered that I loved this man in front of me, and that he loved me the way I needed to be loved.

"I remember you now, I remember-", I stopped talking because the tears were now pouring down my cheeks. Donald stood up and cupped my face in his hands as he tried brushing the tears away.

"You remember me?", He said softly. I could see that he was holding back a smile. I nodded because I was still crying too much to say anything. He bent down and kissed me softly on my forehead.

Yet when he pulled away I grabbed his face and crashed my lips against his. I felt him smile against my lips then he wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me closer. I loved him so much, and now I had him right in front of me.

Three days later I was allowed to leave the hospital. Before I left I had remembered that I still didn't know what happened to Leo. I asked my nurse how he was and she said he had been let out a week ago, but he had been arrested for what he did to me. Sarah had also told the nurse about the previous times he had hurt, and surprising she had kept the pictures I had sent her of my bruises.

The police didn't want to risk the chance of me having a panic attack in court so they had me write out every event where he had hurt me, and send them the pictures in an envelope. Once I sent that in it was enough to put him away for a while. I was free.

I looked down at my skin and if I really studied it I could still see them, the scars. The really devastating thing is that I didn't just have these disgusting scars on my body; my heart was covered in them. Nothing about me was the same, not even the smallest aspect but none of that mattered because now I could move on.

The next few months were the best. Donald and I finished our album, and it was a hit. It became number one only after being released 2 days before. Once everything with the album was done we all headed back home.

It felt good getting off the plane to see Sarah and Aaron standing there with a sign that read "We Missed You Lillie".
I ran up to both of them and we had a long group hug. They helped me take my bags to their car, but before we left Donald pulled me aside.

"I know we haven't talked about it much yet and we aren't even in a relationship yet but- Lillie would you move in with me?", He said with a smile.

I laughed and said of course then kissed him. He picked me up and twirled me around which made me laugh again. I said bye to him and got in the car to go home.

I spent the rest of the week packing my things and sending Leo's stuff to his moms house. Once everything was packed and I got out of the lease for the apartment, I was ready to move in with Donald. He drove over to help with the boxes and to my surprise he brought me flowers.

"What are these for?", I said smelling the beautiful roses he got me.

"I know you like orchids better but I couldn't find any, and I got them just to see that smile on your face", he said bending down to kiss my cheek. I blushed and let him take my hand to lead me back to his car.

"Also because I wanted to ask you something", he said turning to face me.

"Go ahead", I said as I tried to hide my smile because I already knew what he was going to ask.

"Lillie, will you be my girlfriend? I promise I will make you so happy", he said with a giant smile.

"It's about time you asked", I said with a laugh then I pulled him close to me and kissed him. Everything was perfect in that moment.

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