Chapter 28

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Time seemed to go by pretty fast, I didn't even notice that we had been in Boston for 2 weeks. Every day was kind of the same routine, but it was fun and I was happy. We had been making really good progress with the album and getting people hyped about its release. Donald and I were getting closer every day, and there wasn't a moment where I wasn't happy.

Yet, sadly that ended when I woke up at 2:30 in the morning to the sound of a knock at my door. I assumed it was Donald but I was confused at why he'd come to my room at such a weird time. I opened the door and my eyes were still a blurry since I was extremely exhausted. But when I heard that voice, every part of my body froze. It was Leo at the door.

"Hi", he said shyly as he stood in front of me with his hands in his pockets.

"Wha- what are you- how did you-", I couldn't help the fact that I was stumbling on my words. I wasn't expecting him to just show up at my hotel room. I didn't even know he knew where I was.

"I know I didn't let you know I was coming but I wanted to surprise you on our anniversary. You do remember that today is our 3 year anniversary right?", he asked with a pained look on his face.

"Of course I remember that Leo, but that doesn't give you an excuse to just show up here-", I stopped myself from saying anything else because I felt myself getting irritated and I didn't want to fight with him at 2:30 in the morning.

I took a deep breath and told him to come inside. He walked inside and walked straight to the bed to sit down. I turned on the lamp on the other side of the room and sat down.

"Don't you want to sit a little bit closer to me on our anniversary?", he questioned.

I took another deep breath and knew that this probably wasn't the best time to have a serious talk about our relationship, but every time he mentioned our anniversary I just cringed. I had to tell him it was over, I didn't care that it was our anniversary.

I had been happy for the past 2 weeks and having him show up just confirmed the fact that I didn't love him anymore and that I wasn't going to be happy until I got out of this relationship.

"Leo, I want you to listen to me okay. I know there's going to be many times while I'm talking that you'll want to interrupt me but please don't. Okay?", I begged softy.

"Okay", he said hesitantly.

"Leo I'm not happy, and I haven't been for a while. I've tried to tell myself over and over that every time you'd hurt it that it was just a mistake. I kept telling myself that we were in love and that everything was going to be okay, that we were just going through a rough patch. But I've felt this way for a year and a half, that's too long. I don't love you anymore Leo, and I'm tired of pretending that I'm happy-"

"Lillie, please don't do-"

"Please don't interrupt me! I've been holding this in for way too fucking long Leo, and I can't take it anymore. Having you show up here just help me accept the fact that I'm done. I'm done with letting you hurt me count less times, I'm done telling myself that you love because you don't-"

"Baby, please don't say that of course I love you-"

"Don't you dare say that to me! People don't abuse the people they love Leo, and if that's what you think love is than you're fucked up. I'm done Leo, it's over", I said getting up to get something out my suitcase.

"Lillie please don't do this. What about the promise we made? Does forever and always mean nothing to you anymore?", he asked.

I didn't answer him, instead I kept searching through my suitcase to find the ring he had given me when we first started dating. Once I found it I stood up and faced towards him.

"Leo, it's over okay. I just can't do this anymore. I'll call Sarah and have her and Aaron stop by the apartment to pack up the rest of my things", I said as I handed him the ring he gave.

He looked at the ring in his hand and looked up at me after a few seconds. The sadness in face had faded away and had been quickly replaced by anger. I knew what was coming next.

"You can't be serious Lillie. After all the shit we've been through, you're going to just leave me like that?! Are you fucking kidding me-"

"No Leo, I'm not fucking kidding and I'm not just leaving you "like that". I've gone through years of pain and being unhappy and I'm done. Just leave, and don't embarrass yourself by trying to make me change my mind", I said brushing past him. But he grabbed my arm firmly to stop me from walking away.

"You've got me fucked up if you think I'm just going to let you leave me Lillie", he said through gritted teeth.

"Just let me go please, we can't go on like-", I was stopped by something I had grown accustomed to over the years. I didn't show any sign of shock or pain, I just softly pressed my hand against my now stinging cheek.
He towered over, his dark eyes piercing into my pleading ones.

"You're mine Lillie! Forever and always, remember?! That's what we promised, and I'm going to be sure we keep that promise", he growled at me.

He forced me back up to my feet and slapped me even harder so that I flew back and hit the wall next to me. I cried out in pain, praying that someone would hear me or hear him. He made his way back over to me, but I grabbed a shoe close to me and threw at him.

It ended up hitting him in the stomach and he crunching over in pain. I tried to get up, but I just ended up stumbling back down once Leo reached me and punched me in the stomach. I screamed for him to stop, but he just kept hitting me and throwing me across the room.

He threw me against the bed post, but my shirt caught on to side and ripped off, revealing the hickies Donald had left me on. At first I saw shock on Leo's face but that was quickly replaced by a deeper anger.

"What the fuck is that shit?! Are those fucking hickies Lillie?! You cheated on me?", he shouted at me.

I attempted to grab a pillow close to me to cover myself up but he grabbed my leg and pulled my close to him. He slapped me again but this time I fell off the bed onto the floor.

Tears were now blocking me from seeing anything but I could spot the blood dripping on the floor from my cheeks. I felt Leo pull my hair back violently, forcing me to look up at him.

"Are you fucking crying?! You decided to be a fucking whore and cheat on me, and you're the one that's crying? How do you think I feel Lillie?!", he screamed.

I attempted to speak but ending up choking on the blood inside my mouth and the tears that were pouring down my face. I felt him pick me up and I knew he was going to throw me against something again. Within a few seconds I felt my body collide with the night stand next to the bed, and I heard a loud snap.

At first I thought the lamp broke, but then I felt excruciating pain and I realized that my arm was broken. I tried to restrain from screaming out in agonizing pain, because I didn't want to give him the pleasure of having him know that he hurt me.

I felt myself blacking out, but then to my surprise I heard a gunshot. I flinched thinking that I was dying, that Leo had shot me but I was wrong. I looked up and saw Leo laid out on the floor, and when I looked to the door I saw Donald.

His whole body was shaking, but his hands were fisted except for one. That's when i realized he had a gun in his hand. He had shot Leo. I couldn't help myself from fainting at that moment. All I remember was feeling someone pick me and hearing them scream for help.

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