Chapter 13

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*Leo's POV*
I set my phone down and turned around to look at my clock. I realized I had just spent a couple hours talking to the girl that blows my mind. I laid down trying to process that fact that Lillie was now my girl. I know I wouldn't have had this chance if she didn't get drunk off her ass to tell me something so personal.

Even though she is already mine it's not official until I really ask her to be my girlfriend. I looked around my room for my wallet, and found $200 inside of it. $200 is enough to make my princess happy, I thought to myself.

I knew just buy her things wouldn't be enough, I mean this girl is deep so I have to impress. I needed something more personal; then it clicked, the drawing. I hopped off my bed and searched through my drawers for my sketch book. I finally found it and flipped through to find the page I drew her on. Once I found it I ripped it out nicely and left it on top of my desk.

I walked over to my closet to change into something before going out to get her stuff. I decided that a basic hoodie and some jeans would do, since it was cold outside. I grabbed my wallet and my keys, then walked out my room.

As I was walking downstairs I heard someone in the kitchen. I was hoping it was my mom because that would mean she was making breakfast. As I took the corner into the kitchen I saw my dad leaning against the counter with his head in his hands. Of course, he came home drunk again. I tried quietly leaving but he lifted his head as soon as I took a step back.

"Hey bud, what are you doing up at 6 in the morning? Aren't you tired?" he said with his eyes barely open.

"I'm going for a drive, let me know when mom wakes up" I said bluntly and started making my way out the kitchen.

"Hey! Get your ass back in here! I wasn't done talking to you!" he shouted at me from inside the kitchen.

I ignored him and walked out the door, shutting it behind me. I knew she was still asleep but I quickly texted my mom warning her that he had come home, and to stay in her room until I came back home. I will never know how a fuck up like him ever ended up with my mom.

I didn't feel like riding my motorcycle today so I decided to take my mom's BMW instead. She lost her first key, but then found out after she got a replacement so she gave it to me in case I needed it. I won't be able to get Lillie much stuff while being on my motorcycle so this was better.

I got in and immediately put on some music to make the drive less boring. Before pulling out the driveway I texted my mom one more time telling her I borrowed the car so she wouldn't worry.

I turned up the music and pulled out the driveway. I wasn't exactly sure where to go or what to get her but she seemed like the girl to appreciate little things. She rarely wore jewelry or make up so I wouldn't get her that. She seemed to like hoodies and her style was always great, so I figured clothes would be my best option.

I pulled up to the mall after about 20 minutes and texted her to see what she likes and what size she was.

To : Lillie Aiko
Hi princess, I know you're probably still sleeping but I wanted to know what size you are in clothes and shoes? And what colors or styles you like?

I decided to stay in the car until she responded. After about 3 minutes I felt my phone vibrate and saw her name flash onto the screen.

From: Lillie Aiko
I'm a medium in shirts and jackets. If your planning on getting me pants don't get me jeans, I like doing that myself. But I'm a large in leggings or sweats. I like neutral colors, preferably black or red, nothing bright and no pink whatsoever. I'm an 8 in shoes, 6 in men's if you need that information. Is that good ?

To: Lille Aiko
Yes that's great, thank you gorgeous!

From: Lillie Aiko
What are you planning on doing with this information mister? Don't spoil me, I don't need it

To: Lillie Aiko
Don't worry about it babe, and of course I'm going to spoil you. You are mine aren't you ?

From: Lillie Aiko
I do not like you at this moment so I'm going back to sleep. Don't get me too much fucker

I laughed at her last message and decided I could get out the car now. As I walked towards the doors of the mall I realized that didn't reply back to her.

To: Lillie Aiko
No promises my love, and no don't go back to sleep I want to talk to you !

From: Lillie Aiko
Ugh why do you want to talk? It's too early can we can later please

To: Lillie Aiko
I just really want to talk to you 24/7 because you make me the happiest person in the whole world. How's that?

From: Lillie Aiko
I hate you :) I'm going to sleep

This girl was going to be a handful but I was up for the challenge. I had gotten this far and now I just had to prove to her that she made the right choice in being mine.

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