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I dedicate this chapter to @animeandmusic @MeliPena and @SarahBianca9 Thank you for all The votes :D

Y/n's pov~

I opened my eyes to the suns bright rays of light in my face.As I shaded my eyes from the site I saw D/n moving the curtains all the way to the side.

"Good morning Mistress."D/n walked towards me."Good morning D/n."I replied while rubbing my eyes."How is B/n doing?"I asked curiosity took over my mind.

"He is doing better, still coughing up blood though."D/n said."Do you know what could be wrong with him?"I asked."There are to many possibilities for many different illnesses."D/n said.

"I hope it's not deadly..."I said cringing at the thought."I hope so too."D/n replied shortly after."Well I am ready to get up as you can see.What will I be wearing?"I asked.

"Well that depends.The weather seems good, it is the middle of the spring.Something that isn't to much it might make you hot while it is doing so how about a light dress."D/n suggested.

"That sounds good."I replied.I waited a few minutes for D/n to get me my clothes for the day.After the few minutes she helps me out on my outfit I decide to look into the mirror.

"I like it."I said while looking at the final product of my outfit in the body mirror."Im glad to hear that."D/n replied.

I then started to walk out of my room with my wedges making noise as I step.I walked into my B/n's room to check on him.When I opened the door I was met with the horrific site, B/n in his bed with many tissues in the night stand and floor that is covered in blood.

I ran next to him and hugged him."I don't feel good..."B/n said as he opened his eyes slowly.Tears slowly ran down my face.Please don't die...I may have given my life to a demon but don't punish him for it.

At this point some blood covered my dress but I didn't care.I slowly removed myself from B/n."I'll call a doctor."I said.But before I got to far B/n grabbed hand.I turned my head slowly to B/n.

"Y/ I going to die?..I don't want to die."He asked with tears streaming down his face."No...You won't...I won't let you leave me...That moment I went to the phone on the room and looked up a doctors number.

"Hello?"Asked the women."Hello My name is Y/n L/n and I need a doctor at my manor immediately."I said.I then heard a little chuckling on the other side.I don't think it was from the women though.

It sounded like a girl around my sounded like the girl who wanted to talk to me."Will you give me your address?"The women asked."Ok yes (address).""I'll be right there."And with that the women hung up.

"Who did you call?"Samuel asked from outside the door."I called a doctor for B/n, he seems to be getting worse."I said."I do hope he gets better,I wish I knew what was wrong with him."Samuel replied.

Time Skip (11:30)~

When the doctor finally arrived I had D/n get the door.When I took a look at the women she looked very similar to the girl Marcy.Probably related somehow.The thing that I thought was strange about the women was she wore a sinister grin.

I didn't like it, but I don't like the fact that my brother is very sick ether.I lead her into his room."B/n its going to be okay, the doctor is here."I said. "Good. "Thats all that he said."I'll leave Alice here with you."I said as I called Alice in here moments later.

I walked into my study and thought over the case.I opened my drawer to grab the case's files out.As I spread the papers in the murders I notice that they were in fact only men were killed.

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