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Y/n's pov (11:00)•Lunch at Alois Trancy's~

As I walked up to Alois's manor I looked into the reflection.When I looked into the reflection I watched my eyes widen as I saw the women in white.

"My child do well...kill the Trancy boy..." She said."I won't do it."I replied.I watched as her figure started to disappear and I looked up at Claude."Do you mind if I asked you who were you talking to?"He asked.

"The women in white..."I said with my e/c eyes not meeting his gold ones."Who is this women in white?"He asked,for the first time sounding a little concerned.

"She is my Mistress."I said."Are you feeling alright?"He asked me."I'm doing fine."I said as I finally looked up at him.He watched as if I was some odd creature he has never seen before.

"Your eyes..."He said."Yes?"I asked. "They're silver..."He said in disbelief.I looked into the reflection once again to see me...but i was black ripped up dress with wings.I had black wings and I watched as one half of the wing became white...white feathers.

I shook my head a couple times and quickly looked back at Claude."My lady is there something wrong?"He asked once again.My attention was quickly removed from Claude's question to see Alois run out the front for and down the steps.

"My darling!"He shouted with his arms open up wide.I then felt something click in my body.SOMETHING IS WRONG AND I CANT STOP IT FROM HAPPENING.

I felt my hand reach for my demon dagger in my dress pocket."Y-y/n? "Alois stuttered as all the color from his face.I looked at the dagger as the blood red gems started to lighten to a pearl pink.

"Alois Trancy...you time has come,time to die!"I shouted.I watched as he screamed.I tried to stop myself from running at him but there was no use.I had no control over myself.I watched as I in-paled Claude.

I watched as he cringed.His golden eyes started to flicker to a scarlet red.I pulled the dagger out of his torso and backed up a good ten feet.

My eyes started to widen as I watched the demon run towards me."CLAUDE DONT HURT HER!"Alois yelled at him with tears streaming down his face.He knew Claude would've ripped me apart;and I knew too.

I watched as his wound started to slowly heal."Y-your highness."Claude stuttered as he watched me with hatred in his eyes."There's something wrong with her can't you tell?"Alois said.

He went to hug me and I accepted it.I felt his tears on my shoulder.I had no control of my arm-


I watched as Claude's eyes widened and he ran non stop towards me.Out of nowhere D/n appeared in front of me and stopped Claude from slicing me apart.

"Hands off Fatus."She said as she glared at him.I still felt Alois hug me though.He still held on.He is still alive."Are you okay?"He asked me.

The dagger then fell from his back.I felt tears stream down my face."No are you okay?"I asked him.He let go of my shoulders."I'm fine."He said with his tear stained face.Not a minute after he collapsed and passed out.

"He'll be fine if you fix that wound immediately."D/n said as she turned her face towards Alois's unconscious body.

"I can't control myself."I finally spit out.Claude and D/n then looked at me."The angel must've done something to her."He said."Well obviously."D/n said with venom in her tone.

I could tell that she was furious that he tried to lay a finger on me.I decided it wasn't time to argue Alois is going to bleed to death!

"Demons stop fighting! I think the best thing to do is get him so medical attention!

"I think it would be best if you would leave."Claude said."But what about Alois?!"I said with a worried expression. "He'll be fine, but you have to leave."He said with his emotionless face.

"Okay, I will leave.But make sure he is going to he alright."I said as I looked at Claude with concern in my eyes.All he did was shake his head and then I was on my way.

Unknown pov~

I woke up to be in this cot of some kind.I was still covered in blood an hurting all over.Where is Y/n?

I watched as this girl walked over to me.She reminded me of Y/n but I know it wasn't her.But just to make sure I called out her name.

"Y/n!"I shouted, as I still coughed up some blood. "Y/n isn't here." She said with a sinister grin."What did you do to her!"I shouted.

"Please!Look at what she did to me!"The girl shouted.She lifted part of her shirt to see a big scar going up.It made me cringe just looking at it.

"My sister would never do such a thing!" I said. But in reality I'm not to sure of that."Well it doesn't matter what she did now,all it matters now is that I have something that she doesn't."

She replied with her smile almost reaching up to her ears.I felt my eyes widen."Get over here!"She yelled as she pulled the back of my collar on my shirt.

I barley had any energy to do anything.But I screamed and I kicked for her to let go for her let me go and leave me alone.But deep down inside I knew it was no use and I really had no say in what happens to me.

She told me it would make both of our lives a lot easier if I didn't struggle.But i refused to do what she wanted.I will not give up.

I screamed louder

And louder

And louder

And she yanked me harder

And harder

And harder

It hurt but I wasn't going to stop.I want to go home.She asked me what my phone number.I was glad to give it to her, I was surprised that she wanted to know.

She entered it in and gave me the phone.Seconds after I felt something medal and hard touch the back of my neck then a click...

It was a gun

The girl told me what to say.

"Hello Y/n, yes I am at this girls house that looks like you.She said she was going to kill me If you don't hurry.I don't want to die, please hurry!"I shouted as I felt a tear roll down my face.

When she arrives the girl told me that she was going to kill Y/n. And I can't do anything about it. I am nothing but powerless.

Authors note-

I am so sorry that it took me so long to make this chapter there are still many chapters coming soon! Thank you to those who waited patiently. Happy Mother's Day to all them moms out there!!! I hope you enjoyed if so I would appreciate it if you would vote,follow or comment! :D Next chapter is coming soon!

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