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Ceils Pov~

Where am I? I asked myself as I slowly opened my eyes to look around my surroundings.It seemed that I was hanging from somewhere in, it was dark that's all I know.

I turned my head to feel something soft and smooth."What the hell is this?"I asked myself.I wasn't able to use my hands because they were tied behind my back.

I moved my head back to be met with a certain boy that wears booty shorts.He seemed to be sleeping.I then tried to pinch him, and becoming successful he woke up immediately.

"W-what?!? Wait where am I?"He asked."Alois..."I said. "Phantomhive." He replied as he looked over to me."It will only be a matter of time until Sebastian and Claud come here to save us."Alois said.

I struggled as I tried to get free.I felt rusty metal chains against my skin."We're stuck."Alois said."Oh really?"I asked irritated."I hope Y/n is okay..."Alois said.

" too..."

Y/n's pov~

I shook my head hoping to get the blurry vision away. Slowly my eye sight to clearer.My wrists felt numb and broken, same going for my ankles.

"Where the hell am I?"I asked my self.The room was dark, but I heard faint foot steps coming towards me.

The figure started to lighting torches.Soon the figure.It was Marcy! That bitch! "Marcy! Let me go!"I yelled at her.

"I don't think I'll be letting you go anytime soon...Sister."She replied grimly.I felt my eyes widen as I started at her.

I couldn't help but know that she was related to me some how."You bitch let me go!"I screamed.I watched as Marcy took out a whip from her big ragged pocket.

The whip was large and had a large point at the end.I watched as she started to lift the whip above her head.

I glared at her.The only reply I got from her was a grim laugh.

Alois's pov~

As I tried to get free along with Ceil I heard the blood curdling screams.I wish my hands were free so I could cover my ears from the terrible shrieks.

I quickly realized that Y/n was the one that was screaming.I felt Ceil struggle more, knowing that those are Y/n's screams.

Ceil and I then looked for a lock on the chains that we were held in.Ceil and I's hand touches the lock at the same time.

Ceil quickly removed his hands. "Phantomhive can you reach for a bobbie pin that is in my back pocket.

"What?!?"Ceil replied."Just get the bobbie pin in my back pocket!"I yelled irritated."I am not touching you ass!"He replied.

I felt my cheeks heat up."Damnit Phantomhive do it for Y/n!"I said."I just heard him sigh in response.

Y/n's pov~

"How do you feel now Girl?"Marcy asked."DONT feel to good about what you did,it wasn't a fair fight was it?"I asked, still cocky.

"If it's a fair fight you want its a fair fight you'll get!"Marcy replied as she pulled down a lever that brought me down,making me free.

I watched as she still had the whip in her hand that was covered in my blood.She chuckled as I slowly stood up.

My body felt weak, but I was determined to beat her down.I reached down into my ragged dress pocket for my demon dagger.

As I had in my hand it started to glow red.I watched as Marcy's whip started to have some kind of black flare of some kind.

I watched as her bangs covered her eyes."Pitiful mortal you are no match for me."She said.I watched as she removed the hair from her eyes to see the yellow green eyes that grim reapers have.

"Don't be talking so high and mighty, I assure you, you are no match for me."I replied grimly.I watched her carefully as we both started circling each other.

She finally made a move and tried to whip me.I felt the sting in my hand as I caught the whip.I watched as her eyes widened.

I felt myself smirk evilly as I felt the blood drain from my hand as I yanked her towards me.I held my dagger and dug it into Marcy's hip.

She screamed and screamed

It was music to my ears

I loved it

I felt her yank back the whip and hit me in the the stomach causing me to get impaled.I fell over as did Marcy.

I felt the blood drain from my mouth.So this is how I'm going to die.
Never able to avenge my parents death.
Never was able to say goodbye toB/n
Never get to see Ceil and Alois ever again.

Authors note~
I am really sorry I haven't been updating!This chapter is so short because this is actually the end chapter sneak peak!This book is slowly coming to an end.Please comment if you want a 2nd book out.I would be happy to continue as long as my readers are happy.I would appreciate it if you enjoyed this chapter to vote,comment,and follow!!!

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