There is no God

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Caution this will be dealing with religion a lot opinions to yourself please-you have been warned

So this is how I'm going to die.
Never able to avenge my parents death.
Never was able to say goodbye to B/n
Never get to see Ceil and Alois ever again.

New update~

As I felt my eyes slowly close I felt someone pick me up. "Mistress.. Mistress are you alright?"I heard someone say.I tried to lift my eyelids.

It sounded like D/n..."D/n help m-"I started to say but I couldn't finish my sentence."Y/n your going to be okay..." I heard her say.

"I'm taking you home."Y/n said to me."Good."I replied."Do you want me to kill her?"Y/n asked me.I finally was able to open my eyes to meet a bloodied Marcy on the ground.

"She's my sister..."I replied.D/n just looked at me in surprise."No leave her there...worst comes to worst she'll die there."I replied."M-mistress"D/n said.

"Leave her...she is part grim reaper, leave her." I said D/n.(Little did The young mistress know that D/n felt almost bad,she did look somewhat like her mistress)

"Marcy are y-"I heard someone say.I turned my head slowly around.It was my biological father...Donte.I watched as he left my bloodied sister and walked up to if she wasn't anything to him.

"My Rose you have come back to me.."He said.He looked different...very different.He looked older... and dirty...
"Don't think I came here for you old man."I replied.I watched as he seemed to be upset.

"Can't we just be the family that we were before?"He asked."N-no it will never be the same...We never had a family."I said as I held onto D/n tighter.

"We can have a new will be better then the old."He said with a gleam in his eye.I watched as Marcy stayed on the floor still bleeding and coughing up blood.

"What about this?!?Huh what about the sister that I thought that never existed until now huh?!?"I shouted at him.

"I'll leave her...only you and I...Y/n my rose I love you!"He said as he tried to touch my face."I'm sorry father...but I don't love you."I watched him as tears started going down his cheeks.

"D/n leave...right now..."I said. "Mistress..."D/n started."Right now!!!"
I yelled. As D/n went through the window I heard Marcy say "We will meet again."

"D/n!"I shouted."Yes mistress?"She asked."We need to go back for Alois and Ceil!"I replied."Yes mistress."D/n responded.As we went back to see Ceil and Alois on the floor panting.

"A-are you guys okay?"I asked."J-just get us out of here please."Alois said.

Time Skip (5:00)[L/n Manor]~

"So what happened to Samuel, Sebastian,and Claude?"I asked."They were trying to solve the case; and they sent me back to make sure you all were okay.I'm glad I came.

"You sound like a mom."I said."Well I have grown attached to you for the past 12 years of your existence."That makes sense."I replied."Is B/n okay?"I asked.I watched as her eyes formed a worried look.

Even in my weak form I started to hit her with my fist to her chest crying."How could you?!?"I said as I felt the tears run down my face."What happened to him!"I yelled as I started to slide down her body.

"Why!"I shouted"Why Why Why!!!"I continued .D/n just stood there taking every hit...with the same expression on her face...that hurt expression."What happened!"I looked up at her."We couldn't find him...its not proven that he's dead yet."She replied.

"He'll surely be dead if he is still there!God damnit he is sick!!!"I shouted one more.I then ran to my room and slumped over in my bed. Why me. What have I done. I felt my eyes widen."It's because I asked for help...and excepted it from a demon isn't it? That's the reason why...isn't it?!?"I screamed.

"You never helped me!"I yelled."I screamed and suffered through that pain! You never answered me! I praised you once..."There is no God" I said as I walked into B/n's room. "There is no God" I said again as I looked up at a picture that supposedly had God in it.

There was a cross that was next B/n's bed.I wanted him to be safe from the hell.I thought if I made sure he believed he would be okay.
As I finished that sentence I turned the cross upside down.Out of no where I started to get a headache."What the hell?"I said to myself.My head hurt so bad.My vision started to fail.

I looked to the side to see a male with white hair wearing a white suit...Or was it a women?I kept on looking at the figure.The male...he looked mad...but soon it became a women?She was smiling.

White wings soon spread outwards towards her body.What is going on?I have no control over my body!I felt my hands reach for the women for some reason.

"Yes my child, come a little closer..." The women said.I then heard a loud scream"SAMUEL ANGELA IS TAKING Y/N !" It sounded like D/n."STOP!"I heard Samuel yell.

I felt my body be lifted off from the ground.Can I not do anything to prevent myself from being taken?But it was to late for me; for I have already been taken from my home.

Ceil's pov~

As I was trying to go through some important papers I heard a loud crashing noise. I immediately got up from my chair and ran down the stairs.

"Sebastian what's going on?!?"I shouted.I am hoping it isn't Bard ruining the kitchen once again.But I could almost tell this was different.

I watched as D/n and Samuel ran through the door and started panicking."Bloody hell what is wrong with you two?!?"I yelled." "Lord Ceil..."Samuel looked up at me.

As I looked at the demon I watched as D/n appeared right in from of me."Ceil where is your butler?"D/n asked as she kept her hands on my shoulders and kept looking around.

"I don't know where Sebastian is, what is wrong?"I asked her."Y/n...she is gone.I felt my eyes widen with anger."Did Alois kidnap Y/n?""I asked.

I watched as D/n's head moved side to side.I watched as Sebastian walked in casually cleaning a wine glass."Master Ceil, Y/n...Samuel..."Sebastian said as he looked at the other demons.

"Sebastian!"D/n shouted as she fled to him."Y/n is gone and Angela kidnapped her!!!"D/n said.I watched as Sebastian's face changed from emotionless to disgust...but quickly faded to a demonic smirk.

"Master..."Sebastian started.I started to think about all the pain Angela has caused me all the misery she has thrown into my life."Sebastian this is an order!"I started.

"Find Y/n!"

As the three demons left the mansion I walked back into the study.When I sat in my chair I started to think of Y/n.I hope she is okay.What a beautiful young women she is.

I love everything about her.Wether it is her e/c eyes that have that gleam in them when ever you into them...her h/l h/c that's is so soft.Her body with all her curves.

She truly is the most beautiful human being I have ever met.I started to blush thinking so much about her.I love the way she walks,the way she talks,the way she keeps herself together.

I guess I do love her...I love her a lot.

Authors note~

I hope you enjoyed the chapter I am so sorry that it takes me so long to update I'll try to post more! There are more chapters awaiting I decided to add a new character to make this book longer I enjoy typing this so much and I want to make sure to provide the best quality and hopefully edit the best to my ability.I do plan making a second book too! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @Queenofmusic22 for voting.Please comment what you think will happen,any ideas or things I should consider putting into my book.As always if you enjoyed I would really appreciate it if you vote,comment or follow!!!

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