My story

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Y/N POV-My name is y/n l/n i own the company c/n.I have a demon as a maid,i find It that kinda funny.I am 13 years old and i am the head of the l/n family.I guess i am the only one left.I am the Queens cat,i figure out some inside information about some people the Queen is suspicious about.

Some stuff about my history is that when my mother and ...father divorced she found someone new (I wasn't born yet).He was very rich and owned a factory.She was with the ...Man for a year.In that year i was born.

I was born with h/c and e/c.It seems that the h/c was from my biological father that i call Donte (pronounced don-tay) and my e/c is from my mother.

Later on in these years Dante has been becoming abusive towards my mother. Donte always loved me though.I didn't understand it. I HATED him.No mater how many times he would give me love,care,and affection i still hated him.One time i got tired of him beating on my mother so i yelled at him and slapped him in the face.It felt good to do that...

So i did it again harder. But he couldn't bring himself to hit his daughter.years after when i was eight years old my mother finally left Donte and went back to her ex-husband...i call him father.

We were happy for a long time besides the whole fact that i wasn't biologically his daughter and he was upset about it but i loved him and that's all that mattered.One day my mother told my maid that she was going on a business trip with my father and she would be back in a few days.

I went to the airport along with my maid d/n.When we saw the plane lift off we left but in a distance i saw their private plane get shot down by missiles.


3rd pov-

y/n felt tears well up in her eyes."Mother....Father...."Y/n spoke softly.Y/n started to look around the parking lot for d/n. "D/n...D/n...D/N!!!!!"She found herself abandoned. She then felt a hand go over her mouth and then something was injected into her.

Y/n found herself in a very strange place.She took a look at her surroundings.Concealed room,pavement walls...bars over the door with a lock on it....


Hours pass.But no clues to where little y/n might be.She then hears someone open the door and unlock the lock. "W-who's there?"Y/n said in a scared voice. Donte then walks into the room. "Hello my little rose."y/n then yelled saying "DON'T CALL ME THAT I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW!"

Donte then looked at y/n and said "someone is being a naughty girl." "I'll have to go punish you."he spoke up as he picked her up and slumped her on his shoulder.

"Put me down!!!"Y/n yelled as she kicked and punched all she could but there was no effect to the man.

As the two exited the the room they Were lead into a big underground mine that was used to find jewels and minerals.

Y/n looked around to see many kids working as slaves with pickaxes in hand diving into the the walls and ground.They all looked ragged and bruised.They also had a symbol on their lower part of the torso that was a circle with a pickaxes on the inside.

When someone of them turned around there was numbers on their lower back.All different numbers.

The two then entered a room with a table that looked like a table they would place a patient on,and a bunch of needles.

"What a lucky girl you are y/n, since you are my daughter you can have a different symbol than the other kids.You get to have a rose."Dante said. "NO I DON'T WANT ANYTHING I JUST WANT TO GO HOME!!!" Y/n yelled. Y/n was then thrown on the table.

Another male walked into the room and strapped y/n hands and

Legs down.He then picked up the needle and started to draw the rose into y/n's skin.Hours later of screaming the rose was finally finished.

y/n was then turned around for a number to be tattooed onto her back.The number were 1408...add that up and get 13 (the UN-luckiest number,sure she was lucky.)

~Time skip~

Years pass of y/n getting beat and wiped,also watching the little friends she had died from starvation, the abuse,and the illnesses that lie in this hell hole.y/n then managed to escape the hell she was living in.

But she couldn't go much longer. "Someone help...I can't do this all by myself...anyone please..."y/n spoke in a soft voice. All of a sudden there was a dark atmosphere filling the air. There was then a Cat that was black,and that had Red glowing eyes.

It then started to speak saying "y/n l/n I have been summoned to protect you and your soul.I will also serve you for the rest of your days...accept this offer and I am yours for eternity." Y/n then spoke in a weak voice saying "And if I don't accept your offer."The cat then spoke up saying "Then your parents died for nothing,and you will surely die out here"

y/n saw no use to turn down the offer so she then spoke saying "I accept,my soul is yours for you to protect."The cat then transformed into a woman with long black hair and glowing red eyes .

She then spoke up saying,"sorry for the wait your highness,i was just a little caught up with some loose ends."

Author's note-sorry if short,I hope you enjoyed.If so feel free to comment and vote.

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