My name is

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D/n's pov-

I looked over at William and Grell.I then shoved Grell."What the hell! How could you let this happen!"I yelled.

"I couldn't do anything about it!If I did the higher ups would confiscate my chainsaw!"He replied cowardly.

"And you!!!!"I shouted at William."You knew this was going to happen!"I shouted at him."D/n, this is my job.I don't see B/n benefiting the world."He said with his blank stare.

"Now that I think about it.Y/n wasn't supposed to die.Not today."Grell said a I watched him squint at the old book.

"That's right..."William said as he grabbed the book out of Grell hands and adjusted his glasses."Y/n wasn't on the to die list."

William and Grell said at the same time."Then this can't be the end of her."I said."Take the grim reaper child and meet me at the L/n Manor.

"Why should we help you?"William asked as he looked away from me.I just sighed,then got an idea.

"The child's mother is high in her job if you fix this she will surely be took down a few notches and you will probably get a raise."I said.

"Don't think I'm doing this for the child."He said as he adjusted his glasses."Do you think we'll see Bassy!?" Grell asked William.William just scoffed.

"See you there."I said as I moved onto my next task."Now to find Y/n's necklace."I said to myself.I walked over to the edge of the cliff.

"Poor Mistress, you will return in no time."I said once again as I glanced down the far fall.

I jumped off the cliff and landed right on to of a large spiked rock.I caressed the mistresses face crusted in blood."My dear it seems you have been assaulted in the game you lost."I said.

I looked at her face with her wide e/c eyes wide in fear.She died with her eyes wide open. "Don't worry mistress you won't be gone for long."I said as I lifted her empaled body of the sharp rock.

Character Switch!~

Williams pov-

"So this is the little grim reaper child." I said to Grell that was holding the small child that was struggling frantically to escape his grasp.

"We should drop her off quickly, you and I have a job to do; and I'm not up for over time."I said.

"Fine by me!Do you know if we can drop by Bassy now?"Grell looked at me with wide eyes.All I did was sigh and apparently that was considered as a yes.

Time Skip (10:00pm L/n Manor)~

"Okay we're here."I said as I looked at the door unamused."Yay! I can't wait to meet with my love!"Grell said as he started to jump up excitedly.

I knocked on the door a few times and a short women answered the door.She looked like she was crying.

"Alice who's at the door?!"I heard D/n yelled from somewhere within the house. "I think it's for you."She said as she slowly walked away dreadfully.

I watched as D/n also saw the women 'Alice' walk away dreadfully."Good you have the child..."D/n said as she smirked down at the little hellion.

"Thank you reapers."She said as she took the child from us.I watched as the little girl screamed and try to scramble out of the hands of the demon.

"Farewell it seems our job here is done we will be taking our leave."I said as I started to drag Grell away form the mansion.

Character Switch-

Just like you (Ciel x Reader x Alois)Where stories live. Discover now