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Ciel's pov~

Minutes later, I got up from the bed and walked to the door.Still blushing,I said "I think I'm going to go..."As I finished that sentence ,I walked to my room.

"Master,shouldn't you be in bed? It way past your time that you usually retire."I look back to see Sebastian holding candles."Can I ask you a question?"I asked.

"Well of course."He replied."Did you...sleep with D/n?"I asked.Moments pass..."No...no I did not."I stared at him for a short period of time.

"I believe you."I said as I opened the door to my room. "I'm glad you do."He replied,and with that I got comfortable in bed and went into slumber.

~ Time Skip (Morning) ~

Y/n's pov~

"Your highness..." A voice said."Merrrr no...goooo...away."I said as I rolled over with my eyes still closed."Your highness...get up... We have things to do today."The voice said.

"Damnit leave me alone."I said,while pulling the covers over my head.I then felt my whole body get dragged from the bed."What the hell?!?"I shouted.

"Sorry,but you are going to be late for some appointments." I looked up to see D/n."D/n...close the door.She did as she was told and help me off the floor.

"I am going to ask you a question...and I want you to answer this truthfully."Did your sleep with Sebastian?"Seconds pass,witch feel like hours."No...no I did not sleep with him."She replied.

"I believe you."I said."Good.I'm glad we got that mess out of the way."She replied."Hey, you know how I feel about this stuff."I said.

"I know,and I should think about who this is could be affecting."D/n said."That's what I was waiting for."I replied, with a slight smile on my face.

I was about to walk out the door until D/n stopped me from doing so,she grabbed my wrist."What?"I asked."Your highness...your hair is messed up,and your contract is showing.

"Bloody hell."I replied trying to fix it,but with no use."We don't have a brush here either do we?"D/n asked.I then looked around the room obviously not probably going to find a brush.

"No we do not have a brush at this moment."I replied.Damn I wasn't even planning to stay."Well I can just cover up my eye with my hand."I said.

"I imagine you will get tired after doing that for a while your highness don't you think? D/n said.

"I suppose your right." I said ,as I was trying to think of another solution."Hmm...I have an idea."D/n said.Before I can ask what the idea was,she left.

Really...I thought to myself.Moments later I see D/n walk in with bandages."What did you say to them?"I asked."I told them that you had some kind of thing wrong with your eye and you needed the bandages.

"Okay...Its good I know that you are a great liar."I said to her."I guess your right,that is one of my specialties."D/n said."Well you better never lie to me."I said in a serious tone.

"I would never."D/n said as she bowed."Well do you have an idea of when our carriage is coming?"I asked."Well,if we don't leave soon we might be late for our other appointments.

"Alright,get Samuel to pick us up,I don't want someone seeing me like this."I said."That sounds like a good idea considering that you are dressed like that."D/n replied.

Ciel's pov~

"So Sebastian do you know why Y/n needed those bandages?"I asked. Kind of curious."I remember D/n claiming that she had some kind of disease not contagious but more of a rare condition type of thing."Sebastian replied.

"That maid of hers seems quite odd if you ask me.She seems really different almost like...'not normal.'"I said,trying to place D/n in some kind of category.

"I guess your right she doesn't seem..."

Y/n's pov~

"Human....Sebastian just didn't seem human."I said. "The way he dose things,so quickly pretty much out of any range a human can do it."I added.

"I suppose your right."D/n replied.Then we both heard a knock on the door."Who is it?"I asked."Sebastian madam."He replied.

I felt kind of embarrassed,me being still in the little clothes I have on, even though he already seen me like this yesterday."Please don't come in,but what is it?"I asked.

"Will you being joining us for breakfast?"He asked.I looked at D/n for second seeing her shake her head left and right."I'm afraid not,I will be leaving soon."I said.

"Alright, that's to bad."He said,and with that he left."Did you call Samuel yet?"I asked her."Yes,yes I did."D/n said."When is he coming?"I asked.

D/n then smirked,"any time now."She replied."Good."I said.The both of us then stayed in the room for a short period of time until we saw the carriage arrive.

"Let's go."I said as I started to walk towards the door."Your highness wait!"D/n said.I then turned back to see D/n holding the bandages in one hand,and scissors."Damn...stupid bandages I said."

Moments later D/n was done putting the bandages around my eye."Now we can go Your highness."D/n said.Lets go I said."Wait!Not so fast!"D/n said.

"Really...what now!?!"I asked,in an annoyed tone.D/n then turned me around and I faced a body mirror.Showing me only in my bra and panties.

"Oh well then,I have no other clothes."I said while blushing."That's going to be a problem isn't it?"D/n asked."I suppose it is."I said.

"D/n,let's just go."I said.She then scoped me up into her arms,causing me Togo into a bridal style pose."What the heck!"I said.

She didn't react,but just walked out with me in her arms.I watched as all the servants stared."Mrs.Y/n are you alright?Finny asked.

I was about to speak but D/n spoke up instead and said "She's fine just a little ill."I gave her the face of 'really',but in response she just gave off a smirk.

"Farewell Ciel, and Sebastian.We have places to go but we really enjoyed our stay."D/n said."If you must leave, we all enjoyed your stay."Sebastian said.

I looked back to see Sebastian, Ciel,and the others waving good bye.I then looked forward to see my butler Samuel in front.He then smiled at me.

I know he would never fail me.I looked at him to see him staring at Sebastian.I then took a better look,I thought I saw his dark green eyes flash some kind of light green color.

I looked back to see Sebastian's eyes turn a little cat like with a glowing pink color.Strange?Was I seeing things?As I walked into the carriage I was very curious about what just happened.

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